Three Reasons It’s Better To Start Over

Destini Febus
Coffee House Writers
3 min readSep 3, 2018

Three reasons it’s better (and easier) to start over when a relationship has gone corrupt. It does not mean start over and pretend all the bad situations in the relationship never happened. It means to start over, try to forget the person you thought you knew, try to move on and forget the hostility between the two of you.

1. It’s not the same/how it used to be in the beginning and never will be.

Photo Credits to Jack Finnigan at

It means it has already changed the both of you; whether you are both arguing too much, cheating, or doing mean things to each other. It’s not worth it, regardless of what they did, you can always walk away. In the long run, it will save time, emotions, effort, money and even your breath. Things have felt different between you, increase tension, fewer emotions and romantic moments and more cursing and yelling. Why waste time being angry and sad when the both of you can be single, dating other people or doing anything else besides wasting your anger and tears on redundant topics.

2. You are mentally draining and corrupting yourself now and for your future.

Photo Credits to Bruno Aguirre at

All the arguing, cursing, yelling, and domestic violence is not okay. There’s no excuse for any of your significant other’s consistent arguing. There’s no reason to stay in a relationship where you feel trapped, scared to talk or show emotion, and no reason to continue any relationship that doesn’t benefit you or your mental/physical/emotional health.

A relationship is between two people in love, supporting each other through thick and thin situations; caring, trusting, loving, respecting, and communicative. If you have none of those traits in your relationship, ask yourself, “Why am I with this person?” Be honest with yourself when you answer as well!

3. The longer you stay in this relationship, the longer it will take you to recover from it.

Photo Credits to Ben White at

Many people have had a few bad relationships overall. Regardless of how good or bad certain relationships are, you can still come out of them with a better mentality of what you want in a future relationship. You should never leave a relationship thinking you’ve wasted your time. Leave that relationship with your dignity, respect for yourself, and know you have more knowledge of what you want and don’t want in a significant other.

Take time for yourself to heal and become yourself again after leaving a relationship. You’ve spent much time with this person; now it is time to realize there are many other types of personalities out there. Some can be good and some bad, but now is the time to focus on yourself and regaining your mental stability back. Become a stronger you and the right person will find you.

New Beginnings are often disguised as painful endings. - Lao Tzu

If God closes a door and a window, consider the fact that it might be time to build a whole new house. — Mandy Hale

