To Those: An Article In Remembrance Of 9/11

Juliana Ruggiero
Coffee House Writers
3 min readSep 16, 2019

Disclaimer: I never write any kind of tribute article, but after knowing what today is and watching a segment on it, I wanted to write an article recognizing 9/11. And, to remember that it marks 18 years today since this tragedy. Enjoy!

To those……

To those who on this day 18 years ago thought it was going to be just a normal regular workday in New York City.

To those who said goodbye to their families before walking out the door to go to work, thinking you would make it home after your shift after a long day, to give your kids and spouses a hug.

To those who came from out of state that worked in New York City. You did your normal routine woke up, got dressed, ate breakfast and rushed to your train or bus to make it to work on time. I best you thought to yourselves, “this won’t be my last train or bus ride ever…. I’ll just do my day and go home I can’t wait to get back to see my family.” Little did you know this would be your train or bus ride.

To those who were working before the planes hit. You were just doing what you normally would be doing every Monday-Friday, you weren’t prepared, nor did you expect any kind of disgusting tragedy to happen at your workplace. You all just wanted to out and leave……safely.

To those victims who tried to save themselves after the planes hit but couldn’t. We all could only imagine what was going through all of your minds as each were trying so hard and used every bit of your strength to try and get to safety. You tried, but it didn’t work in your favor for some odd reason.

To those first responders who worked around the clock to save those innocent victims. You all are heroes in our eyes even 18 years later! You did your jobs, what first responders are supposed to do, work hard to save lives.

To all those left behind who ache today and every day. We all feel for you we see you, and we are hurting for you. You should have been able to see those you lost. You should have them, and they should be by your side at this very moment. But, because of the most heartbreaking of terrorism, they’re not there hugging you tight.

To all those who, 18 years later are still asking, “Why.?”

To those who think of those theu lost every day, and wish they were here.

To those affected.

To those hurting.

To those who pray everyday and beg to God to put everything back to normal, but you know in your heart that’s never going to happen……ever.

We hear you.

But most importantly,

To those thousands of people that lost their lives,

We salute and remember you all,

Today and every day!

Photo by: Manasvita S on Unsplash



Juliana Ruggiero
Coffee House Writers

A young writer who strives to spread her positive and inspiring message one story at a time.