Unaffordable Health Care

Lisa Post
Coffee House Writers
3 min readApr 23, 2018
Unaffordable “affordable” health care.

Let’s face facts. Obamacare is a scam and a ploy to keep the Little Guy down. As one of the Little Guys, I can tell you from experience that the Obamacare is set up to make sure you can’t move forward fiscally unless there is some sort of Cinderella-type miracle in your finances.

As taxpayers, we expect more. More as in, more approval because we are hard working. My husband works two jobs. I am a stay at home raising children, going back to college, and trying to frugally run a busy household. Sounds very idyllic, until you look at our healthcare.

Because of our “low income” level, we get our healthcare through our state-provided policy, compliments of Obamacare. It is all fine and good until you reach a certain income bracket, then Uncle Sam pulls out all the help and starts to rip you off. Earning more money means Obamacare’s cost goes up. But not proportionately. Oh no. That would be too logical. Instead, the cost for having healthcare goes up so much that it would cost more to pay for monthly than what my husband makes with his two jobs.

Let me say it again: Obamacare punishes you for making money. One red cent over the bracket and you are slapped back with unbelievable health care costs.

“Affordable” health care my Aunt Gertrude’s festering ingrown toenail...

Not only does it affect the parents, but the children. I have two older teenagers who are trying to work to save money for college. Because they are working, their earned money bumped us over the bracket. Let me be clear: We do NOT take any money from our children for any household expenses whatsoever. Not for food, not for internet use, not for utilities. They live at home, earning money, in hopes of going on to further education.

Obamacare’s response is that because they live here, then it MUST mean we are bringing in boatloads of money and therefore we must be bumped into another bracket. The solution was to not claim them as dependents on our taxes. This made them individuals. So, the healthcare is reinstated.

Wait, there’s more. A little while ago Obamacare geeks decided my daughters… at just-over-minimum-wage, part-time jobs were making too much money and were deemed ineligible to receive the healthcare unless they gave up an arm and a leg and any future first-born children to pay for the “affordable health care” under Obamacare. So now they either have to cut back on their hours, and take longer to earn money for college, or go without health insurance.

Anyone earning money in the house is subject to making us ineligible for affordable health care. If I try and make money on the side to help pay for expenses it counts against us. Any money my children make to further their education counts against them. If we try to work more hours in order to pay our mounting debts (created by not being able to work enough hours without being essentially penalized) is counted against us.

Like many people in our area, we cannot afford to pay what Obamacare wants us to pay in the next bracket. It is about how much we make per year, not a straight percentage. No one should have to pay more than what they make annually to pay for health care.

Thankfully we do have the option of purchasing a policy through my husband’s second job. It is to the tune of almost half his paycheck, but it will at least free our children and us up to make all the money they want without being penalized. The frustration is knowing that the Little Guy is forced to remain the Little Guy, and if he tries to work hard and show some ambition and responsibility, then Obamacare is used as a tool to slap him back down.

Uncle Sam spells capitalism like: S — O — C — I –A –L — I — S — M. Not only is he a thief but apparently, he dropped out of school in the 6th grade. Maybe if he had stayed in school he would have learned to spell better, understand finances, and established a sense of accomplishment and ambition.

Oh yeah, I guess he couldn’t since earning enough money for college under Obamacare is frowned upon. Too bad for all of us.



Lisa Post
Coffee House Writers

Writer, student, teacher, mom, wife… you name it I probably wear the hat. Avid reader and writer, and lover of people watching, finding humor in everyday life.