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What Happened to Our Society?

Diane Tilley
Coffee House Writers
3 min readJul 24, 2017


They say time repeats itself; that eras in our history repeats itself. I’ve heard the saying that we all “pay for the sins of our fathers.”

All of this seems to be true. The world is in a state of array. Society seems to find something to protest when there is no legitimate reason to do so. As for the “sins of our fathers”, well, somewhere there must be a line drawn and someone needs to step up and say, “enough is enough.” Then, there must be other people who step up, out of the shadows of yesterday, and stand with that one brave soul, to start the evolution of our society. Only then can we actually stand together, as one, as a solid nation.

I mean, come on people, open your eyes, your minds, your hearts. Why so much hate for one another when there doesn’t need to be? I’m not talking terrorists, I’m talking about “our” society, “our” America!

I’m white, but I’m not privileged; if you’re black, brown or other, that doesn’t make you a thug. Unfortunately, society has ingrained in us that we are trained to perceive color as a barrier, and the worst part of this is we let them! We watch the violence on the news every night. Protesters protesting someone’s speech because they have a “right” to freedom of speech, yet they are going against their own reason for the protest by not letting the speaker deliver their speech. If you don’t want to hear what that person, or persons, have to say, don’t listen. Simple as that!

So many politicians have kept the racial divide going strong because it lines their pockets, not because they give a damn about “their people.”

Every person is equal until they make themselves unequal.

You want to bring back the whole slavery thing? For what reason? It was a part of everyone’s history — but it’s just that — history. I don’t own a slave, do you? Have you ever been one? I didn’t think so. That card has been dealt and now it’s time for a new game. What about a game where everyone plays like they are color blind and sees everyone else as just another human being?

Yes, I am white. I have an Irish background, but I do not call myself an Irish American. I call myself an American! I was born in these great United States of America. I am proud of my heritage, but I live in the now, not the then. If you are a person of color and born in America, you are an American! Yes, be proud of your heritage, but, in my book, you are not African, you are American. I believe the same for all cultures; be proud of your heritage, but also be proud of where you were born and where you live now.

As far as the word “thug” goes, to me that’s anyone who wants to act like a “badass” because they are ignorant. A “thug” can be of any color; white, black, Mexican, Asian, etc. My advice to people who act like “thugs” and resent being called by that slang term: Pull up your pants and learn some manners.



Diane Tilley
Coffee House Writers

I am a mere mortal who loves to play at being a Goddess of words…