Words At The Last Minute

Molly Spence
Coffee House Writers
2 min readJun 24, 2019
Photo by Unchalee Srirugsar from Pexels

Writers hold the potential to be phenomenal last minute thinkers. Inspiration comes to us sometimes in the form of a metaphorical bolt of lightning. As a writer, it is our duty to spread inspiration, even when the creative juices just aren't flowing. The world needs to hear a message, one of hope, light, and joy.

We exist in such a dark era. The shortness of this encouragement still packs the right amount of punch. Don't give up on any dream. Set small daily goals, instead of large unattainable dreams. Be who you are. An uninspired day doesn't have to rule one's life. Falling off the wagon of purpose doesn't warrant a quitting spirit. Climb back into whatever brings happiness. Attack life with a lion's roar. Be bold. Be jubilant.

Life is like a sea of hard crashing waves. Words often seem to flood the mind without any true direction. A sense of purpose or lack thereof, often haunts the human in the darkest hour. Be the ray of sunshine that appears in the midst of a stranger's storm.

On days when the lion seems to be elsewhere, accept those days. Write, play music, do whatever brings you joy even if lasts for ten minutes. Words at the last minute have often proven to be the most powerful on impact. Some of the greatest music was composed in twenty minutes. Spontaneous love and encouragement is often a hidden treasure. Words at the last minute could be the pick me up someone else needs.



Molly Spence
Coffee House Writers

31 year old writer & blogger from Scott Depot, West Virginia. /