Getting Started

Linda Knauer
Coffee Required
Published in
2 min readAug 18, 2020

If you’re reading this then welcome to my chaos. Today I am introducing myself to you all.

This is my first official blog post and I’m just testing the waters. Being as it is 2020 and my daughter is going back to school I thought this would be something to do (other than my actual work) to keep me occupied. I am pretty boring though so don’t be surprised if there is rarely anything interesting.

I would appreciate if anyone who does read this keeps the negativity to a minimum. I understand my politics, religious beliefs and body image ideas may not always be popular. The fact I am allowing my child to go to first grade on a school bus for face to face learning 5 days a week in this day and age is also controversial. If you are a naysayer or just want to start drama…. too bad.

I enjoy cooking and experimenting but tend to keep it simple. I have a picky eater husband and a small child. I enjoy baking bread but otherwise rarely bake and, as I am worried about diabetes, the bread is mostly out at the moment anyway.

Health wise I have had PCOS for a looonnnngggg time and it affects my hormones, blood sugar, weight and any other number of things. I’m thankful to not have facial hair or other physically showing symptoms but that doesn’t mean my body does what it should. I have been considered obese since I was about 19 years old and at my worst was at 300 lbs. I also have been pre-diabetic for most of my adulthood but recently had an A1C that came up as borderline diabetic. I’m working hard to turn that around.

My husband is much older than I am but is my best friend and favorite person. He makes me laugh every day…. often while also making me want to murder him. It’s hard to attack when you’re laughing though. He’s sarcastic, funny, kind, stubborn and the most patient person I know. I can’t imagine how my life would be without him.

I spent my entire life growing up and living in Maryland. In my heart Baltimore and the Eastern Shore will ALWAYS have a place. However, 3 years ago we moved to South Carolina and this is home now too. We have learned to really love living here. It is very different from my hometown but I have started to find my place, made good friends and realized I am glad we made the move.

I am a born again believer in Jesus and belong to a Baptist church. I am often a conservative voter but some of my lines would surprise you. I read a ton of fiction books and my favorites are Nora Roberts/JD Robb and Linda Howard…. and yes I know they definitely do not publish Christian novels. I will also look through cook books for hours on end just to find some new idea I haven’t tried before.

Wow! That was a lot of information for just an introduction. We will see how this goes and I’ll check back in soon!



Linda Knauer
Coffee Required

A Maryland girl by birth living in South Carolina raising my family, working on my health and having fun in the kitchen.