My Appa, the clown

Is it normal to have such a quirky dad?

1 min readNov 26, 2013

In the middle of my class on direct object pronouns, I remembered my father. Nothing related to pronouns or the class in itself, but random things.

He would stand at the gate to our house during exam time and do a mini-drill :

a) Have you taken your pens?

Yes, Pa

b) And pencils?


c) Are they sharpened?

Umm… no.. but I have a sharpener.

d) How can you be so irresponsible? Sharpen it right now! And how about your geometry box?

Pa.. I might be late…

e) Late!!! How can you start this way? Did I not wake you up early?


As children, the only option at that moment was just to ….RUN!!!

I also remember lighting flower pots at Deepavali time with one foot incense sticks. Never mind that they were tiny flower pots, often soggy and quite often, they refused to bloom, leaving behind only smoke.But you could never be too careful with Appa around.

He would stand outside during power cuts, holding a huge battery light. Why? So that people on the road would be able to see.

So this was what I was thinking of this morning..

Are all parents this crazy?




Nothing lasts, nothing is finished, nothing is perfect ~ Wabi Sabi