Wild & Wood Coffee

London’s hidden gem

Aaron G
2 min readMar 12, 2014

I have to say I walked past this building and it looked like it had seen better days, but what caught my eye was the coffee menu on a blackboard with a title, cheapest artisan coffee in London. I was intrigued as it not something that is usually associated with coffee houses. What really grabbed my attention was praise’s such as best coffee in London and the runner up London lifestyle awards 2012 & 13. I was slightly confused as the windows were all steamed up so I couldn’t get a glimpse inside, it almost had the feel as if there was a large hole in the wall and it didn’t have the look of a conventional coffee shop, this seemed to intrigue me even more.

Normally you would decide in the first few seconds whether you want to go into a shop or not, I was unsure as everything was screaming no but at the same time yes! My curiously got the better of me as I pushed open this large wooden door to reveal a buzzing, light, warm room which reminded me of a large cold cellar strangely enough with its low ceilings and rustic white walls with wooden panels. Looking around I felt as if I had stepped back in time with its original features, church seats, black and white photos. Dotted around were displays of wonderful cakes , pastries and a selections baguettes.
As I was in a rush I ordered a mocha to go which was made swiftly by the efficient but friendly barista. After adding a little sugar, I took a big sip….creamy, wonderfully balanced, sweet ,chocolaty, and ahhh. I told the barista “this coffee is beautiful!“, she smiled thanking me modestly . I genuinely felt as if I tasted perfection. As I left and walked out into cold I swear every sip just felt as if my cheeks was getting a big hug. I think I chuckled a few times thinking wow I have seriously found a gem, seriously who knew that coffee could make me this happy and be so reasonably priced at the same time. The best thing was that every last drop tasted consistently balanced which I haven’t experienced previously.

So far this year I’ve been to about 15 different coffee shops around London and none have come close to this gem, Wild & Wood Coffee, New Oxford Street.



Aaron G

Weight Management and Lifestyle advisor. Aspiring [watch this space] & Coffee enthusiast. Follow me @Aaron1G