Panama Boquette

Kevin Pedeaux
Coffee Tasting
Published in
1 min readApr 19, 2013

People ask me all the time what is my favorite coffee. I guess, because I drink different coffees all day long, people think that I can tell them my favorite and they can drink it too and therefore they will be drinking the “best coffee”. That’s not so though. If there is one thing about drinking tons of coffees it’s that once you have tried tons of them you start to respect coffees for their differences and not which one you “like”

All that being said Panama Boquette would have to be one of my favorites. It’s right in between Costa Rica and Colombia so this growing region is fantastic. But Panama is also a really small country so there isn’t a whole lot of it. So unlike Costa Rica and Colombia which both put out so much coffee that they’ve made a name for themselves, Panama really is a bit of an unknown.

The Boquette region coffee is grown in volcanic soils. As you may know lots of the worlds most respected coffees grow in volcanic soils. Just like in wine, volcanic soils stress the Arabica plant out. This causes the coffee beans to develop much more slowly causing more flavor to develop. So this coffee has a big bold flavor.

Costa Rican is known for it’s acidity, Colombia is known for it’s heavy body. Panama in my opinion again hits right in between those two. Taking the best characteristics from both.

It’s a great coffee and you should seek some out.



Kevin Pedeaux
Coffee Tasting

Photographer, New Orleans history buff, King Cake Expert, and coffee distributior.