Murphy’s Law

Knowing this law does not make any difference.

Utsav Chokshi
Coffee Thoughts
2 min readMar 14, 2014


In 1990, an engineer named “Edward Murphy” in US Air-Force gave a statement(which turns out to be a law for me and many other people :p) that

“If anything can go wrong, it will go wrong!”

And I hate this law, because it almost every time stands true for me for particular circumstances.

It’s always been a good companion to my negative alternatives. Be it me giving surprise to some one (with little little fear of not finding them at home) or selecting answers in MCQs (though mathematics clearly states that you are taking chance with 1/4 probability) or booking a ticket online or caching a right bus or not taking umbrella in rainy season or dialing a number with low balance and wishing receiver does not pick up (basically giving birth to official ‘misssed call’) or glancing at my crush (while she is watching me :p), it shouts out loudly , “Don’t dare to think about negative alternative, otherwise I’ll hold”.

So,this is Murphy’s law : seems like gospel and favorable to unfavorable. Despite all of these , I take chances(though with little more care) because there exists many laws (don’t know any, but there should be!!) that implies “May odds be in your favor. ” So let murphy’s law reveals pessimistic view of world while you remain optimist because most safest product also sometimes catches a fire , because it even holds for pessimistic persons also (and this kind of persons turn out to be good tester and save many lives and money!!)

More on Murphy’s Law :

20 Examples of Murphy’s Law

For IT Guys

How Murphy’s Law Works

Cookies :

I wish I’d studied here…

