Submission Guidelines: Coffee Time Reviews

How to make sure your story is ready to be published with us

Eliza Lita
Coffee Time Reviews


Image created by the author on Canva.

Updated: 17/06/22

What We Publish

Coffee Time Reviews is a books and reading publication exclusively. This is what we publish:

  • books reviews
  • reading recommendations lists
  • reading tips
  • reader stories (how a book changed who you are, how your reading tastes developed, how you became a passionate reader etc)
  • author interviews
  • author personal stories (exclusive to our Behind The Scenes series where published authors share their journey into authorship)
  • anything else to do with books and reading (character analyses, critical ideas from books, answering questions about books, book tags etc)

Why You Need to Respect These Guidelines to Publish With Us

At CTR, we want all our writers to shine through and get the distribution and reads they deserve. Distribution means a Medium editor has approved of your story and has made it visible on the topic pages it fits best. There isn’t a standard recipe as to what makes a story eligible for distribution, but…



Eliza Lita
Coffee Time Reviews

ADHD, books, writing, fitness, lifestyle. | Founder and editor: Coffee Time Reviews. | Library Mouse | Language nerd.