These 3 Benefits of Reading Fiction Will Change How You Think About Novels

How reading fiction books changes your brain, making you a better human (and a hell of a lot sexier)

Nadezh Frank
Coffee Time Reviews


A black and white image, visually divided into two halves: the black on the lefthand side and the white on the righthand side. Each half of the image contains a hand holding fiction books.
Photo by the author

It took three whiskies to untie his tongue. “Look, ladies,” he said, leaning into the armchair’s back. “You know it. Deep in your guts. You just don’t wanna f***ing say it. Reading fiction is a waste of time.

I glanced at Miss Y and had to repress a grin, because she was staring at her new boyfriend, her lips pursed in tacit indignation. Needless to say, Miss Y’s new boyfriend had just become her ex. And judging by the confused expression on his face, he knew it. Deep in his guts. He just didn’t wanna f***ing say it.

A quick note for all the single lads out there.

A man who doesn’t read fiction stands no chance with Miss Y, the woman who wolfs down books at breakfast, lunch and dinner. (Recently, she’s been running around with Robert Greene’s Mastery, like Elon Musk with the Dogecoin.)

But though Miss Y is a huge fan of non-fiction, fiction has always occupied a special place in her heart. Because she and I not only read fiction. We write fiction.

So then, if reading fiction is a waste of time, then writing fiction is a waste…



Nadezh Frank
Coffee Time Reviews

Perfectionist in remission, health & psychology geek, incurable storyteller who writes about us earthlings. Open for gigs:📩