11 Writing Tips from Tim Denning

Grease your creativity with these writing hacks

Scot Butwell
7 min readDec 30, 2021
Photo Credit: Tim Denning.com

Writing success on Medium can be a bitch.

It sometimes feels like that Greek guy Sisyphus rolling a boulder up the top of the hill, and right when you are about to reach the top, it rolls back down.

Ever feel like that?

I like what Rosalind Pagan says in her article, “Five Vital Lessons I Learned from Tim Denning’s Writing Course,” about letting go of your stories:

“Don’t get too hung up or precious about your stories. It might feel like you are sending your babies out to be devoured by the wolves but you need to think more like an octopus. Hundreds of those precious babies will be consumed in the mass of the ocean and lost forever — a very select few will randomly make it to maturity, where they will enjoy a life of their own.” — Rosaline Pagen

That was beautiful Rosaline. But this story is about Mr. Medium, Aussie blogger Tim Denning who has 220K followers. I culled through his writing and found eleven writing tips and here they are for a breakout writing year:

(The sources for the writing tips are at the end of the article with more tips)

1. Remove negative thoughts from our head



Scot Butwell

I am embarrassing according to teenage son. My jokes are terrible and I don't know when to stop annoying my son. I am the dad of an autistic son. A funny kid.