A Higher Love — When My Higher Female and Male are in Balance

A personal story of the Yin Yang sign

Barbara Cook
6 min readMay 8, 2022
Image Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash

You’ve all seen the Yin Yang sign. It’s a concept that has existed for thousands of years in China.

Yin (the black section of the symbol) represents shadows, feminine energy, and generally the more mysterious side of things. Yang (the white section of the symbol) represents the sun, masculine energy, and things that are more out in the open. Neither is more powerful than the other, and both are needed in equal amounts for harmony to exist. Source.

Yin and Yang energies are found throughout the universe, in nature and the inner world within each person.

According to Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, the animus represents the masculine aspect in women while the anima represents the feminine aspect in men. Source

In my previous story, I described my earlier inner world as being like a marriage of Yin and Yang. But oh dear! It was a marriage of the lower male and female!
Basically ‘he’ forcefully led the charge, and ‘she’ was largely ignored and disempowered.


The soul journey



Barbara Cook

Award-winning author of “Good Choice A Soul’s Story”. Shares personal stories with self-awareness. Mindfulness, personal & spiritual development, relationships.