Book Prompt

An Abundance of Attempts to Find the Next Abundance of Katherines

My attempt at reliving the magic of one of my favorite books

Alan Simpson
Reading is a Novel Idea
3 min readJan 17, 2022


The latest book prompt by Marrisa W. asks us to think about a book we wish we could read for the first time again. I thought this over and had a few options, but none of them seemed quite right. Any Stephen King book? Not really. Christopher Moore? I kind of accidentally did this with Practical Demonkeeping already. And then inspiration hit.

I loved An Abundance of Katherines by John Green. It is in the list of my 20 favorite books at the link below.

An Abundance of Katherines tells the story of Colin Singleton, a child prodigy who is afraid of losing his genius as an adult. Colin has dated 19 girls, all named Katherine. After being dumped by the latest Katherine, he goes on a road trip with his best friend Hassan and along the way develops the “Theorem of Underlying Katherine Predictability” that determines the curve of any relationship based on several factors of the…



Alan Simpson
Reading is a Novel Idea

I am a semi-retired former librarian who writes about a variety of topics. I review TV shows. I review books. I write about what is happening around us.