Hate Hates Love

Suma Narayan
2 min readFeb 25, 2022


A Personal Essay

Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

We can choose to channelise our energy into negative, or positive channels. It is entirely our decision, based on the choice(s) we make.

When we live in a prison made by our own hate, there is no escape from the hell we have created. But the key to the cage lies with, and within, us. And we can decide whether we wish to continue living in it, or we want to put it behind us. Whether it is a person we hate, or circumstances, or a time in our lives that has hurt us, or even an imagined event, the effect is the same.

But if we were to tell ourselves that we will let this go, because it is poisoning our very existence, our life becomes less toxic.

There is enough hate in the world, whipped up by people who have something to gain from that toxic climate. Be very sure that it is not our benefit they are thinking of, but some twisted, inhuman end of their own, either through propaganda, or financial gain.

Surely we can eradicate the toxicity from our own lives?

Hate corrodes.




Let us give ourselves permission to create joy.

And life.

And love.

And laughter.

Let us create an oasis of contentment in this desert of negativity.

We love by default.

We hate, by choice.

I think the options are clear.

Go and look at the Sun.

He shines impartially, for everyone.

©️ 2022 Suma Narayan. All Rights Reserved.

Shoutout to I. Trudie Palmer for another slice of heaven:



Suma Narayan

Loves people, cats and tea: believes humanity is good by default, and that all prayer works. Also writes books. Support me at: https://ko-fi.com/sumanarayan1160