How I Got More Than 50 Followers In a Day With Just One Trick

and how you can do it, too.

Antonia Catana
5 min readMar 22, 2022
Photo by ANTONI SHKRABA from Pexels

When I created my blog in January, I remember thinking that it will be a lot of work. I started writing on Medium about a month ago. And it was hard.

I never wanted to publish any story thinking that my stories weren’t good enough or maybe someone has already written something similar.

I remember when I posted my first story, I thought nobody was going to read it. I had around 4 followers (less than 10, for sure) and I was clueless when it came to how I could grow my audience. Until two weeks ago…

I started reading about how others grew their number of followers to get into the Partner Program and it seemed like it was going to take a lot of time.

Each story published that I have read said something like this:

  • “Share your story on Twitter.”

Yes, Twitter is an amazing place to connect with other writers, but not many of them would actually follow you on this platform. There are lots of great tags on Twitter where you can find posts where you can share your stories. But, if someone is willing to actually read your story, you’ll probably get a follow on Twitter…

Don’t get me wrong, growing your audience on Twitter is an important thing, too. There are many writers there who are willing to share your work and answer any of your questions.

Suffice it to say, Medium writers who find you on Twitter are going to follow you if they like your writing style and if they are interested in what you have to say. Fair enough, right?

  • “Join Facebook groups.”

I joined more than 5 or 7 Facebook groups where I connected with 2–3 Medium writers. Facebook groups are not as active as Twitter users are.

  • “Submit your work to publications.”

There are many great publications on Medium who welcome new writers. Read their submitting guides and be careful if they accept already published stories or not.

These are general pieces of advice. Some can help you, but if you want to gain more followers faster you need to apply another tactic.

Now you’re wondering: “so, what is there more to do?”

Well, I accidentally came up with this “trick” which completely changed my number of followers.

You can’t view Medium as a platform where you can post whatever comes up to your mind and think one day it will go viral and that’s it. You have to involve yourself in this amazing place.

Not only is Medium a great place where you can share your work, but also a great place where you can meet writers who are willing to give you good advice in order to improve your writing.

When you fall in love with Medium that’s when your blog will truly blossom.

What I did…

After posting my first two stories and when I started gaining some internal views that’s where everything changed. When I logged into Medium, more and more intriguing stories started catching my attention and honestly, I got lost reading more and more.

One morning I was searching the newest stories people I followed recently posted and I found a writer who had lots of followers. He/she (unfortunately, I don’t remember his/her blog otherwise I’d give them a well-deserved shoutout) had lots of followers and their content was very similar to mine.

Their stories really intrigued me and inspired me. So I thought: “If their content is similar to mine, it means their followers could be interested in my content”. Does it sound weird?

Well, what I did is start searching for writers from their lists who had content which I would read and I started following them, even clapping and commenting on their stories.

I lost track of time doing this, but it completely changed my experience on Medium. In less than 2 days, I exceeded 100 followers. At the time I’m writing this I have 218 followers. I’ll insert my stats for you to see the difference between my February stats and my current stats. Even though it’s a monthly stat, I will admit my last week was the week I was most active here.

My stats. Author Image.

Apart from the fact that I got the number of followers I needed to be accepted in the Partners Program, I now have the most intriguing content which I enjoy and gets me inspired. It’s the perfect equation for every user on this platform: audience + inspiring content = happy writer.

It’s also a great way to find publications which are willing to add you as a writer! Therefore, the number of your views (and most importantly, reads) will skyrocket.

A Short Quick Guide

  • Find a writer who creates content similar to yours (which you enjoy) and who inspires you.
  • Start searching for other writers with similar interests who follow them.
  • Find engaging content which you love and follow the writers.

After doing so, I realised how supportive the writers on this platform are! Once you follow them, clap their stories or highlight them, the majority of them will check out your work undoubtedly.

Also, I connected with wonderful, supportive writers who I want to mention here and show my gratitude for their unconditional support and feedback: Jemma Blythe, Yalım Yılmaz, Graham Cooke, Julia and many others! Thank you, guys!

Nevertheless, all of you changed my Medium experience and inspire me every day.

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Antonia Catana

From self-development, cooking, love to neuroscience, I like to type my ideas into blogs to keep up with my thoughts.