It’s Never Too Late To Change Your Career — At Any Age

Are you bored with your job? Switching careers or learning new skills may be what you need

C C Farley
5 min readMay 17, 2022
Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

I have tried different jobs for most of my life. I worked in my father’s store, sold footlong hot dogs at a stadium, worked as a university professor’s research assistant, and did many other part-time and casual jobs.

I worked in so many places that I could name them on a full sheet of paper.

Years ago, as a young freelance writer, I boarded a Russian ship and wrote about it in a community paper. While on board, I walked around empty decks, listened to Russian music, and was amazed at seeing a large picture of Lenin displayed in one of the rooms.

If you are thinking of changing careers (like leaving your job), this is a big step and you may want to consider all the pros and cons. Here are a few things to consider:

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

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C C Farley

Former deacon of a church, writer, painter, caregiver and muser of life’s magic moments.