Medium Inspired An Article. I Lost It. The Medium Community Found It. Now It’s Semi-Viral.

The weird, wonderful, twisted tale of an article, its disappearance, reappearance, and the magic of Medium

John R Godwin
9 min readJul 22, 2022
A man with black hair and wide eyes is holding his hands up and has his mouth open. He is in front of a white wall and wearing a gray shirt. He is looking off diagonally and upward.

This one has all the elements of a great article

  • A writing contest
  • A chance encounter
  • The grace of God (well, Kristina God)
  • Stinky smells
  • Gerry! More Gerry!
  • Carelessness and stupidity
  • Anger and loss
  • Rescue and redemption
  • A cliffhanger

How it happened

The article in question was a solid idea — a humorous take on the meaning of each number of claps. I began the article in the morning and was finishing it up late at night when the unthinkable happened…

Hold on…I’m getting ahead of myself.

Brief Backstory

This article’s history begins at its periphery — with a wonderful writing contest on Midform — The Daily Write. Daily prompts and, if you meet the criteria, you were eligible for a drawing for $100. Happily I wrote…



John R Godwin

Seeking my voice in a noisy mind. Support my writing by joining Medium. Affiliate link — I get a portion of your fee