Right for You to Drink 8 Glasses of Water a Day?

No more, no less

Karl Walker
2 min readMay 17, 2022
drink water no more no less
Photo by Johnny McClung on Unsplash

About 65% of an adult’s body is water, and the human body is like a large water tank, protecting for maintaining normal metabolism. The rule of eight glasses of water a day is a health code that many people believe in, but I don’t know if you have ever thought about it: how big is this cup? Is it a 500ml sports water cup? Or a 200ml coffee cup?

We should be obsessed with the total amount of water we drink. Men should drink more than 1700ml of water per day; women should drink 1500ml.

Is it better to drink more water?

The answer is no. Some people have explained.

Especially the following categories of people to pay attention to.

  • renal insufficiency

A quarter of the body’s waste needs to be excreted by the kidneys in urine each day. Healthy people who drink plenty of water can reduce their risk of kidney stones, but people with renal insufficiency have poor metabolism, and drinking too much water in a short period can worsen the condition.

  • with chronic liver disease

The liver plays an important role in metabolism. If you have liver cirrhosis, ascites, and other diseases, you must control the amount of water you drink every day. Otherwise, it is easy to increase peritoneal fluid, causing serious disorders of fluid circulation.

  • suffer from heart disease

People with heart disease, such as heart failure and atrophy, can’t mix water with blood cells promptly. If you drink too much water for a day or half a day, a lot of water will accumulate, which will increase the pressure on the lungs, leading to breathing difficulties, and in serious cases, easily leading to suffocation or heart failure.

  • sweat after exercise

After exercising, it is necessary to replenish water in time, but a lot of sweating will cause the body to lose a lot of electrolytes. Therefore, when drinking water, pay attention to replenishing water in small amounts and many times to avoid hyponatremia.

