The Best Lesson From The Worst Of Experiences

Some Mistakes You Only Make Once

Reese — For The Record


When I was a kid, I got mad at a friend and broke a window. My dad was mad at me but cooled down quickly and said, “Some mistakes you only make once.” I’ve never forgotten that.

Photo by Eyasu Etsub on Unsplash

Everybody makes mistakes. Some of us get lucky. We get second chances before it’s too late. Sometimes we get taught lessons to ensure the errors aren’t repeated.

We were having a party for a co-worker one night after work. We’d all gone to a bar to have a few drinks to celebrate his new position. Nobody got crazy, but it’s not hard to drink to the point where you shouldn’t drive. I was in my mid-20’s at the time. I thought I was invincible, and I thought I was more intelligent than I really was. I could drive after only a few drinks. Not a problem for me, bro.

I’d had only two beers. I forgot I’d also had two shots. Oh, and the two beers were in 24-ounce glasses. I only stayed for an hour.

Photo by Samuele Errico Piccarini on Unsplash

I didn’t see a car in my blind spot while driving away from the bar. He laid on his horn as I veered into his lane. He hauled on his breaks, and I swerved back and just missed. I still…



Reese — For The Record

Western New Yorker, musician, construction supply chain veteran, memoirist, never say never-ist. Top Writer in Sports and 2x Top Writer in Music.