The Power Of Doing — Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

We all want to change our lives in one way or another. Some of us probably even have a very clear vision of that better, bigger, different life.

Joanna Skladanek
5 min readFeb 8, 2022

We dream of something we know it’s out there, within reach, but, at the same time, somehow… it feels to be off our limits.

Photo by LOGAN WEAVER on Unsplash

Breaking free can be damn scary. The fear of being wrong, exposed, criticized, laughed at makes us stay precisely where we are. So we stay. Especially when things get stressful, many of us choose to snuggle down and continue doing something we already know. And that’s fine, of course. It’s perfectly normal to stick with things to which we’re accustomed. But the more time we spend in this place, the more difficult it will be to leave it behind eventually.
It’s easy to follow the familiar path, repeat the same pattern, and stay within the confines of least resistance because that’s just safe, and we’re programmed to avoid the risk at all cost. But if you really want to make progress in life, you need to break free from what’s holding you back.

Most of us (I do!) have this tendency to overanalyze and overthink everything in life. What if I do this, or that, what if that fails, what if… I could go on and on forever. However…



Joanna Skladanek

Writer, Photojournalist, Photographer and a Full-Time Wanderer.