How workplace designers of the future are failing 51% of our country.

Why we need new designers and voices creating “The Future of Work.”

Emily O. Weltman


Image by author, made in Canva

Call it whatever you want. The Great Reset. Build Back Better. The #futureofwork. The Recovery Plan. It doesn’t matter what veneer economists, politicians, and foundations put on it…what we are talking about is bigger than one term can hold.

The big management consultancies continue to just riff off one another. They aren’t centering solutions on womxn and gender non-conforming humans, especially Black, Brown, and Indigenous people–they’re only saying they are. They seem to be stealing from smaller orgs with more diverse voices, then calling it “innovation” and “disruption.”

As a consultancy focused on communications, brand strategy, and social enterprise I understand the urge to define things, which is why I can’t believe I am saying this. We need to stop worrying about how we brand it–and focus all efforts (resources, money, brainpower) on solutions. If we properly address the divides, does it matter what we call this new economy or model of commerce?

I am a proponent of explanations. A lover of words — lots of them, obviously. In a room full of change agents, I usually pine away for a clearer definition of social entrepreneurship. Yet, I…



Emily O. Weltman

Emily Weltman, M. Ed., strategy consultant, social entrepreneur + coFLOWco founder is “Leading with Purpose–because the patriarchy isn’t going to fix Itself.”💫