When life is anything but Sunshine, Lollipops, & Rainbows everywhere.

Grownups need a rainstorm of jelly beans too.

Emily O. Weltman


iStock.com/Pattadis Walarput

Do you have a go to when stuff is so pandemically, almost comically, awful? What can you do to stuff your feels (in a productive way, of course!)? Did you ever employ a tactic or ritual to get through a particularly toxic time? What got you through a terrible job or an uncomfortable pregnancy?

Yesterday, I hopped on the phone with my friend (and 3rd work-wife); we dove in the way we start most calls, discussing how awful and inequitable the world of work is. First we dumpe about the latest startup/founder news (ours) or a recent work debacle (also ours). Then we tradestories of yet another RFP or Grant rejection, we typically breathe easier. Our bimonthly ritual is how I process the $hit show. We don’t always end on a high note, (I am getting more comfortable with that; screw the patriarchal goy who says “I am fine” through gritted teeth.) But, typically we come around to a more peaceful place.

This week was a particularly large unpacking of the patriarchal dumpster fire. It had been a while, and this week was especially dumpstery. Like good educators, we always bring in a bit of reflection; it’s never purely about “work” or “screaming” at the man. We shared some lovely personal wins too, pausing to…



Emily O. Weltman

Emily Weltman, M. Ed., strategy consultant, social entrepreneur + coFLOWco founder is “Leading with Purpose–because the patriarchy isn’t going to fix Itself.”💫