Dad Bans Food and Water for His 8-Year-Old Daughter

Published in
6 min readApr 10, 2024


Raylee Browning
Raylee Browning

Raylee Browning was a well-liked little girl, but from the very start of her short life, she was subject to abuse from those she was meant to trust the most. Eventually, little Raylee's life would serve as a harrowing example of the most horrific cases of child torture in West Virginia's history.

Raylee was born in 2010. Her mother Janice had substance abuse issues, and soon, the relationship with Raylee's father, Marty Browning turned toxic. The couple split, and in 2012, a judge ordered that the former couple share custody of little Raylee.

As an infant, she spent time between her mother's house and time with her father and his girlfriend, Julie Dawn Titchenelle. Marty and Julie eventually decided to move to Mount Lookout, violating the custody agreement and taking Raylee with them without consulting Janice.

After filing a complaint with the court, Janice was able to find Marty and Julie's new address, yet the pair would move soon after, and Janice was once again left without the knowledge of her daughter's whereabouts.

Due to Janice's past and inconsistent behavior, Marty was eventually awarded primary custody of Raylee, also living in the Mount Lookout home where Julie's three biological children and her sister Sherie Titchenelle.




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