Irving Mom Kills Her Kids Because They Are a ‘Burden’

**Trigger Warning**



Saiqa Akhter
Saiqa Akhter

When authorities arrived at the North Texas residence of Saiqa Akhter after a concerning 911 call where she claimed to have killed her kids. They found her two children, Zain and Faryaal, unresponsive in the apartment. Saiqa had indeed done what she told the operator. She had taken a wire and strangled both of her children to death.

One of the phrases Saiqa kept uttering was that she wanted normal children. It was revealed that her six-year-old son Zain had speech problems, and her three-year-old daughter had a developmental delay.

Saiqa herself had been struggling with mental illness for some time, but at that point, it had gone undiagnosed. When a psychologist questioned her about why she killed her children, she said she believed she was saving them and that they were a burden to her.

This didn't suddenly happen though. Saiqa had been researching ways to kill her children for some time. She only resorted to strangling them with a wire after they refused to drink drain cleaner. Her research took place weeks before the murders.

Upon her arrest, Saiqa was visited by a psychologist who after intense evaluation diagnosed her with schizophrenia. Yet it cannot be denied that while on the 911 call, Saiqa sounded coherent.




🍃I really loved watching Law and Order and Cold Case while growing up. So, if you are like me, join me as i re-explore the world of True Crime.🍃🍃