Religious Mother Tortures Her Children to Ward off the Devil In Them

Published in
5 min readApr 7, 2024


Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrandt
Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrandt

Identified only as RF, emaciated, and wearing only a thin shirt and shorts, Franke’s 12-year-old son courageously decided to look for help after enduring months of torture. RF asked his neighbor if he could take him to the police station. The boy seemed unwilling to discuss why he needed to go to the police station, referring to it only as ‘personal business’.

After sitting down and discussing what had occurred with the neighbor, the neighbor then called 911 describing the boy's terrible condition, such as the tape that had bound his hands and legs.

Police and EMTs responded to the call immediately. Once at the residence, RF was taken into the ambulance and treated for extensive wounds. He told officers that it was Hildebrandt who had duct-taped him and also wrapped him in saran wrap.

He also confirmed to police that two of his siblings were still trapped inside the house. Police managed to locate one of the siblings trapped in the closet. The 9-year-old girl, referred to only as EF, had her head shaved and was sitting on the floor, afraid to even leave with officers.

The girl refused to respond to officers until they asked if she was hungry. They gave the child a small pizza, which she ate in its entirety within a matter of minutes. It took hours to…




🍃I really loved watching Law and Order and Cold Case while growing up. So, if you are like me, join me as i re-explore the world of True Crime.🍃🍃