Celebrating Four Months of Cogito Corner

Reflections, updates, and news

Cogito Corner


The Cogito Corner has grown to be a community of 168 followers.

We have gained 15 new followers compared to last month, which was our slowest-growing month so far. However, growth isn’t always linear, just like life.

We are just grateful that our community continues to grow month over month regardless of how small as every single follower matters to us.

Cogito Corner Stats July 2024
Cogito Corner Stats August 2024

Remember, we introduced the Cogito Corner Chain in last month’s wrap-up.

Our very first prompt was: “What am I grateful for?”

In total, we’ve received 10 amazing submissions and we have thoroughly enjoyed reading your stories, some even left a tear in our eyes.

Reading your stories made us feel grateful for our own lives and was a wonderful reminder to be appreciative of what we have, something…



Cogito Corner

Editor of Cogito Corner. We aim for spreading wisdom from personal experience among writers and readers!