Being Emotionless

Shutting down your emotions? No way! Understand them instead!

Sivaram Rasathurai
Cogito: The Philosophical Journal
3 min readApr 11, 2024


your emotions are running wild and you just wish you could switch them off? Well, guess what? You don’t have to! Instead of letting your feelings control you, you can learn to be the boss of them.

Stop and Think

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

When you’re hit with a big emotion, like a wave crashing over you, don’t just react. Take a moment to stop and think about why you’re feeling that way. Ask yourself some questions:

  1. What made me feel like this?
  2. What good and bad things could happen if I show this feeling?

Pause to ponder why you feel, and you’ll find 90% of emotional control rests in the hands of your mind.

Take Charge

Photo by David Brooke Martin on Unsplash

The cool thing about understanding your feelings is that it puts you in control. You don’t have to let your emotions take over; you can decide how to handle them. By knowing why you feel a certain way, you can choose how much to show and what to do about it

Practice Makes Perfect

Photo by Norbert Braun on Unsplash

Getting good at handling your emotions takes practice. Start by noticing what sets you off and trying to handle it calmly.

You just need to take some time to understand your feelings, and then choose how much of them to show. This helps you deal with anything life throws your way!

Scenario: Anger on the Road

imagine you’re fuming mad because someone cut you off in traffic. Your heart might be racing and you might want to yell at them. Before you lose it, take a deep breath and ask yourself.

1. What made me feel like this?

— Do I feel disrespected? → Maybe the anger comes from feeling like the other driver didn’t care about your safety.

— Did this feel dangerous? → Maybe You are feeling angry because You was worried about an accident.”

2. What good and bad things could happen if I show this feeling?

— good things? → He/ She is not going to do the same for others.

— bad things? → Your BP will be increased. Maybe annoying to someone near you.

By understanding why you’re angry, you can be in control of your reaction. Maybe you can take a few deep breaths and let it go. Or, if it feels safe, you can give a short honk to show your frustration.

Scenario: Jealousy on Social Media

Let’s say you’re feeling jealous of your friend’s amazing vacation photos. You might scroll through their pictures and feel bad about your recent staycation. Before you disconnect from social media or make sarcastic comments, take a deep breath and ask yourself, “Why am I feeling jealous?” Maybe you crave adventure, or perhaps you’re saving up for a big trip yourself. By understanding why, you can be the boss and choose how to react. You can congratulate your friend and ask them about their trip, or you can start planning your own dream vacation to look forward to!

By taking charge of your feelings, you can make life a whole lot easier. So next time you’re hit with a big emotion, take a deep breath, think it through, and show yourself who’s in control!

