Big Businesses Want You to Think Fun = Buy Stuff

Sivaram Rasathurai
Cogito: The Philosophical Journal
2 min readApr 19, 2024
Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

Ever scroll through social media and feel like everyone’s living the dream life: picture-perfect vacations, mountains of fancy food, and endless shopping sprees? Well, there’s a reason for that — it’s not real life, it’s marketing! And guess who big businesses are targeting with all this hype?

Why? Because they want you to spend money on their products and services.

Photo by dole777 on Unsplash

We grew up with social media: It’s like a second language to us. We see these amazing posts constantly and it can feel normal, even expected

Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): We see everyone else having these crazy adventures and cool stuff, and it can make us feel left out if we don’t have them too.

Following Influencers: We trust these online personalities who seem to have it all. They promote products and experiences, making us think that’s the key to happiness (and popularity).

Pressure to Fit In: Social media can create a picture-perfect world, and we might feel pressure to keep up with that image, even if it means spending money we don’t have.

Social Media Posts’ are carefully crafted to make us want something. Don’t compare your real life to someone else’s highlight reel.

Think about it — fancy meals at restaurants, expensive vacations, and tons of new clothes all cost a lot! Social media makes it seem like everyone’s doing these things, which can make you feel like you need to too. But that’s just not true!

Real happiness comes from things that don’t cost money — spending time with loved ones, having new experiences, and making memories that last.

So next time you see a picture-perfect post online, remember — it might be a clever marketing trick. Don’t let big businesses tell you what fun is.

Find activities that you truly enjoy, whether it’s playing games with friends, cooking at home, or exploring your local park. The best things in life are often the simplest!

Don’t let social media pressure you into doing things you can’t afford or that don’t make you happy. There’s nothing wrong with a home-cooked meal, a walk in the park, or hanging out with friends — those can be the best times!

