The Power of Perception

Sivaram Rasathurai
Cogito: The Philosophical Journal
3 min readApr 5, 2024
Photo by Vince Fleming on Unsplash

Life throws a lot at us, right? Sometimes it feels like everything’s happening to us, and it’s easy to get down. But what if I told you it’s not always the situation itself that bothers us, but how we choose to see it?

This isn’t some new-age mumbo jumbo — philosophers have been talking about this for centuries. Today, let’s explore this idea and see what nuggets of wisdom we can unearth.

Photo by DESIGNECOLOGIST on Unsplash

We humans like to think we see the world exactly as it is. But the truth is, our perception is kind of like looking through sunglasses.

The world might be bright and sunny, but if you have on rose-colored glasses, everything seems rosy. Flip those over to gray lenses, and suddenly everything feels dull. It’s all about how we interpret what we see.


what we see isn’t always the whole truth. It’s like putting on colored glasses — everything looks a little different depending on the color of the lenses

Imagine a rainy day.

Photo by Laura Barbato on Unsplash

To one person, it might feel sad and gloomy ☔️. But to another, it might be refreshing and peaceful 🌧️. The rain itself hasn’t changed; it’s just how we see it.

People are upset not by things, but by their view of things. — Epictetus

This means it’s not what actually happens that makes us feel good or bad, but how we interpret it. Crazy, right?

Think about it — our thoughts are like both the builders and the jailers of our own happiness.

They set limits on what can make us happy or sad. But the good news is, we have the key! We can break free from this mental prison we create for ourselves.

watching your thoughts without judging them

Photo by Pim Chu on Unsplash


how do we escape this mental jail? Enter mindfulness! It’s basically training your brain to chill out and just observe your thoughts without getting all judgy.

It’s like watching a bunch of monkeys jumping around in your head (your thoughts, I mean, not actual monkeys… hopefully).

By observing these patterns, you might just see a way to wrangle them in a bit. Think of it as finding the key to that mental jail door and finally stepping out into the sunshine.️

cognitive reframing

Photo by Anika Huizinga on Unsplash

It’s like putting on a different pair of glasses when things get tough.

Instead of seeing a problem as a disaster, we can try seeing it as a challenge to overcome.

Maybe even a chance to learn and grow! It’s all about shifting your perspective and choosing a more empowering way to see things. 💪.

Freedom is what you do with what’s been done to you -Jean-Paul Sartre

Photo by Lochie Blanch on Unsplash

Even when life throws curveballs at us, we still have the power to choose how we react. It’s like turning a bad situation into an opportunity for growth.

Our journey with perception is a big deal. It’s full of ups and downs, but it’s also full of chances to learn and grow. So, let’s take off those colored glasses and see the world for what it truly is — a place of endless possibilities.

By doing that, we unlock the magic within ourselves and set ourselves free🌟

