Why Outsourcing Your Data Annotation Needs to GDPR, CCPA or SOC Type Compliant Companies?

Cogito Tech LLC
Published in
6 min readMar 5, 2020

To develop machine learning or AI-based models, you need a huge volume of data sets that you can feed into the algorithm for training a machine act like humans or perform in the respective field without any help with accurate decisions and results.

And to train such automated models, you need to label the data to make objects recognizable or things understandable to machines. And data annotation is the way, key information is labeled for supervised machine learning and AI development.

Data is the Key for AI Development

Most of the AI models except few natural language process (NLP) based models are trained through computer vision technology that needs annotated images to make the object of interest recognizable to machines for accurate understanding.

Also Read: What Is Computer Vision: How It Works in Machine Learning and AI?

So right here you provide the raw data to image annotation companies for labeling and create the annotated data for your machine learning and AI development. But have you ever thought, how or at what extend your data is safe with these annotation companies who use the data for processing with the access to different types of people?

The security and privacy of data with safe handling is important for the success and reliability of your model. And unauthorized use of such information can be a security threat to your company and makes the project vulnerable to your competitors.

Safety and Privacy of Your Data by Cogito

How to Ensure the Safety and Privacy of Your Data?

When you hire a data annotation company or outsource your training data needs to others, you need to be very careful handling your company’s crucial information. Make sure these companies are committed to processing your data in a secure environment and ensure the privacy of all the confidential information for the safety of your key data.

To ensure the safety and privacy of your data, you need to partner with companies following the international level of data safety and security standards like GDPR, CCPA, and SOC Type companies who are compliant with the regulation acts and norms.

A compliant data annotation company not only bounded to keep your data secure but also process with compliant annotation platform backed with quality certified delivery centers protect clients from costly mistakes that arise from poor data security practices making the sensitive information vulnerable while labeling or processing at the final stage.

Actually, hiring data security and protection compliant companies for labeling or annotation has multiple benefits. They will not only keep your data safe but also provide quality training data that will help you to develop a successful and innovative AI model that can predict with an acceptable level of accuracy when used in a real-life scenario.

GDPR and CCPA by Cogito

Benefits of Hiring a GDPR, CCPA and SOC 2 Type 1 Compliant Company for Data Annotation

Following the rules, regulations and security standards ruled under these acts, data annotation companies make their workstations and data processing centers more secure and invulnerable towards unauthorized access and use. Below you can find the advantages you will have when you get your annotated data from a compliant company.

Security and Safety of Your Data

Companies compliant with GDPR, CCPA or SOC 2 Type 1 manage customer data based on trust service principles of data- availability, confidentiality, processing integrity, privacy, and security. Though, few companies don’t want to outsource the data annotation project due to data safety and security risk during the annotation and processing.

But data security and protection compliant companies ensure the safety and security by implementing the advance technology to keep the data protected from unauthorized access. Such companies have ISO certified delivery centers with biometric authentication and 2FA to avoid any breach in data safety and security measures taken by them.


Confidentiality of Your Information

Privacy or confidentiality of data is another key benefit of outsourcing the data sets for labeling and annotations to complaint companies. As data annotation companies are adherent to set the pre-defined standard as per the compliant documents.

To ensure the privacy of data, access is provided only to authorized personnel within the with a network of annotator shaving legal credentials to access the data with a contract to not share the data with anyone and keep all the information private.

Control Over Unauthorized Access

To ensure the data should be protected from unauthorized access a SOC 2 Type 1 compliant annotation company has control at data processing centers locked with biometric security with round-the-clock monitoring through CCTV cameras.

They don’t allow annotators and data labelers to carry CDs, DVDs, disk drive pen drive or any other storage devices into the production areas without prior permission from an authorized person or the management team members.

Protection from Cyber Threats

Cyber criminals are becoming smart and now easily getting unauthorized access of computer servers from remote locations using crucial information from data processing or data labeling companies. But GDPR compliant data annotation companies not only use highly secured servers but also take all preventive measures to stop hacking.

GDPR compliant data annotation companies

The communication system between the clients and data annotation company is encrypted via industry-standard transport layer security (TLS) and SSL. The data is kept secured and protected on cloud servers with restricted access to internet sites and continuous monitoring of web traffic and disciplinary actions taken for violations of company rules.

To protect data from hacking or cyber crime activities, data compliant annotation companies use a professional firewall system to restrict the users cannot surf or access unauthorized sites. All the servers and computer systems are scanned with anti-spam, anti-virus and anti-spyware to stop, virus, malware and spyware enter into the network.

Standardized Data Processing

Another advantage of getting AI training data set from CCPA compliant data annotation companies, they process your data in a standardized way making it more reliable and sustainable especially when used for more delicate AI models.

As the data becomes standardized, it can be used to develop the new age of model development for providing a more reliable solution to our society. A standardized data means quality and accuracy resulting in a right prediction in real-life use.

So, make sure when you hire a data annotation company it should comply with data safety, security and protection guidelines or at least transformed its workstations and data processing system or centers as per the data protection standards to deliver a fully secured and reliable data solution to companies looking to develop a steadfast AI solution.

Cogito — a one of the industry leader in image annotation services provides data annotation while following all the data protection security measures comes under GDPR, CCPA and SOC 2 Type 1 to make sure clients from US, Europe and other continents can get the completely secured data at low-cost processed in a world-class work environment. “Cogito Tech Acquires SOC 2 Type II Certification



Cogito Tech LLC

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