Is Machine Learning Really AI?

Ron Schmelzer
Published in
1 min readJul 27, 2020

There’s so much being said about machine learning (ML), but perhaps the train has left the station with whether many ML projects are truly AI:

One of the downsides to the recent revival and popularity of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is that we see a lot of vendors, professional services firms, and end users jumping on the AI bandwagon labeling their technologies, products, service offerings, and projects as AI products, projects, or offerings without necessarily being the case. On the other hand, there isn’t a well-accepted delineation between what is definitely AI and what is definitely not AI. This is because there isn’t a well-accepted and standard definition of what is artificial intelligence. Indeed, there isn’t a standard definition of intelligence, period.

Read more in Forbes here.



Ron Schmelzer

Managing Partner & Principal Analyst at AI Focused Analyst firm Cognilytica ( and co-host of AI Today podcast.