Should We Be Scared of AI?

Ron Schmelzer
Published in
1 min readJun 22, 2020

Check out Ronald Schmelzer’s article in Forbes concerning people’s fears surrounding AI:

Recently major names in the technology industry have been talking about why the potential applications of artificial intelligence could be something we should be worried about. Their argument comes from two different places. One the one hand, they see AI as one of the most fundamental transformative technologies that we have ever seen in the history of mankind, and on the other hand, that transformative power is something we should be scared of and be wary about. If AI is transformative, then it has the power to be transformative both for good reasons as well as bad.

However, fear of the unknown has always been the case with technology from the wheel to the internet. So, is AI something we should be scared of? The fears of AI seem to stem from a few common causes: general anxiety about machine intelligence, the fear of mass unemployment, concerns about super-intelligence, putting the power of AI into the wrong people’s hands, and general concern and caution when it comes to new technology.

Read more in Forbes here.



Ron Schmelzer

Managing Partner & Principal Analyst at AI Focused Analyst firm Cognilytica ( and co-host of AI Today podcast.