Will The Next Pop Music Hit Be Completely AI Generated?
Read Kathleen Walch’s article about how AI is helping artists produce music.
Nothing is more human than creativity. Humans have the ability to think, process, and create original and beautiful poetry, literature, works of art, and music. In particular, music is a powerful art that is as core to the human experience as communicating. However, recently, artificial intelligence has increasingly been making headway into some of the more creative pursuits, and music in particular. While currently humans are only capable to create music from scratch, it’s becoming increasingly clear that AI is already serving as an augmented intelligent assistant. But in the near future, AI-powered systems might get enough power that they can create and perform entire compositions on their own.
In a recent AI Today podcast, YouTube celebrity Taryn Southern talked about her new album “I AM AI” which uses Artificial Intelligence to generate music and melodies for the entire album.