Contextual Enrichment of Text Vectors

Enhancing Text Datasets with Graph Neural Networks


In this article, I outline an innovative approach that initially utilizes standard text vectors to transform a text dataset into a graph, followed by the employment of a Graph Neural Network (GNN) to generate contextually-enriched text vectors

1. How It All Works

First, break down the texts in your dataset into smaller, slightly overlapping segments. Each text and segment in your dataset becomes a node in a graph. Add links from each ‘segment’ node to the corresponding ‘text’ node. Also, add a link to the next segment. At this point, you need to calculate an “embedding vector” for each node.

Now, we add even more depth to our graph by linking each segment to the most similar segments. This step uncovers hidden connections between different parts of texts. Using algorithms to determine which segments are alike, you enrich your network with these additional links.

When your graph is ready, train a GNN to predict each segment’s text vector in the context of its connected neighbors. It begins to recognize patterns: how is each segment related to those around it? The GNN ‘learns’ to see the bigger picture, enhancing its understanding of the text dataset as a whole.

Upon completion of the GNN’s analysis, each segment’s text vector is updated through a nuanced merging process. The original vector is seamlessly combined with the GNN’s predicted vector. This method effectively replaces the old value with a new one that balances the original text information and the context-enriched vector provided by the GNN. As a result, each node in the graph is endowed with an embedding vector enriched with deeper contextual understanding.

From this process emerges a text dataset in which each segment is enhanced with a context-enriched vector. This enrichment significantly increases the dataset’s utility for NLP tasks such as information retrieval. By facilitating a deeper understanding of text, this method aids in pinpointing more relevant content, enabling models to produce results that are both more accurate and more contextually pertinent.

Utilizing GNNs to enrich text datasets marks a pioneering approach, introducing ‘macro-context’ as a novel layer of depth in text processing. Next, we will delve into how this technique can be specifically applied to enhance Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG).

2. Applying Enhanced Text Vectors to RAG for Improved Search Results

The next exciting phase involves applying these contextually enriched vectors to Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) models, with a special focus on search applications. Our upcoming discussion will delve into the practical implications of these enhanced vectors.

The fundamental concept revolves around the text vectors, now infused with additional context and connections through GNN processing, potentially leading to more intriguing and pertinent search results. The primary objective is to elevate the retrieval of relevant information in search applications, making it more efficient and accurate.

The GNN, by incorporating a wider understanding of the text data, potentially adds a layer of depth to the RAG model’s retrieval process, especially in complex search scenarios where context and nuance are key.

We need to test this assumption: Can the added contextual insights genuinely enhance search results? This evaluation will involve comparing the RAG model’s performance using standard text vectors against its performance with GNN-enhanced vectors.

This process signifies an integration of diverse advanced techniques in NLP and machine learning, bringing together the strengths of language models with the nuanced insights from graph neural networks. In summary, applying these enhanced text vectors to RAG models represents a new approach in NLP, aiming to improve the accuracy and relevance of search results. The upcoming article will delve deeper into the details of this method.

Stay tuned for an in-depth exploration of how this new approach to information retrieval in RAG can be practically implemented using an emerging GNN library.

  • How do enhanced text vectors improve the performance of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) models?
  • What are the specific benefits of using Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) in text vector enhancement for RAG models?
  • What are the computational requirements for implementing this approach?
  • How does the balance between raw text information and contextual insights affect the RAG model’s outputs?
  • Could this approach be integrated with existing search engines or databases?
  • In what ways could this new approach potentially revolutionize NLP applications?
  • What kind of complex search scenarios could benefit most from this approach?
  • What are some potential future developments or improvements for this method?



Sasson Margaliot
Cognitive Computing and Linguistic Intelligence

Innovator, Tech Enthusiast, and Strategic Thinker. exploring new frontiers, pushing boundaries, and fostering positive impact through innovation.