Graph Learning’s New Direction: How Edge Orientation Enhances AI

Revolutionizing AI with Directed Graphs

Paying attention to direction may lead to large improvements for some types of graphs, a recent study suggests.

Photo by Joshua Woroniecki on Unsplash

The Essence of the Research

In arecent article called “Direction Improves Graph Learning” (, based on the paper E. Rossi et al., “Edge Directionality Improves Learning on Heterophilic Graphs” (2023), Michael Bronstein presents the results of an empirical study of their novel general framework for deep learning on directed graphs. As it turns out, for a certain class of graphs, treating the graph as directed leads to new state-of-the-art results, outperforming much more complex methods.

The team’s research pivots on a simple yet powerful idea: that by considering the direction of Links, AI can significantly improve how it learns from certain type of graphs.

  • What specific class of graphs benefits most from being treated as directed?
  • How does treating a graph as directed change the way AI learns from it?
  • What are the key differences between the novel framework and traditional methods?
  • What motivated the researchers to focus on the direction of links in graphs?

How does it work?

The new system, called Dir-GNN (which stands for “Directed Graph Neural Network”), ccount for edge directionality information simply by performing separate aggregations of the Incoming and Outgoing edges (the network has two independent sets of lernable parameters).

The study compared Dir-GNN with common undirected GNN models (GCN, GraphSage, GAT).

The results are impressive. Using directionality brings exceptionally large gains (10% to 20% absolute) in accuracy. Or, as Prof. Bronstein puts it, “think twice before making your graph undirected!”

  • How can Knowledge Bases benefit from the advancements in graph learning?
  • In what ways could this research improve the functionality of RAG models?
  • Can you give specific examples of applications in chatbots or question-answering systems where this research could be applied?
  • How does the retrieval mechanism in RAG models contribute to their effectiveness?
  • What are the potential implications of this research for future AI developments?

Real-World Applications and Implications for the Tech World

  1. In what ways could this research improve the functionality of RAG models?
  2. Can you give specific examples of applications in chatbots or question-answering systems where this research could be applied?
  3. How does the retrieval mechanism in RAG models contribute to their effectiveness?
  • How can Knowledge Bases benefit from the advancements in graph learning?
  • In what ways could this research improve the functionality of RAG models?
  • Can you give specific examples of applications in chatbots or question-answering systems where this research could be applied?
  • How does the retrieval mechanism in RAG models contribute to their effectiveness?
  • What are the potential implications of this research for future AI developments?


Importantly, this class of graphs happens to include Knowledge Bases, which means this advancement is likely to have a direct impact on the way linguistic AI engines identify contextually relevant information to send to LLMs.

In other words, this could be very useful for improving RAG…

RAG, or Retrieval-Augmented Generation, is a cutting-edge technique in AI and natural language processing. This approach combines the power of large language models (LLMs) with a retrieval mechanism. Essentially, when a RAG model is asked a question or given a prompt, it first retrieves relevant information from a vast database of documents. Then, it uses this retrieved information to generate a more informed and accurate response. RAG models are particularly effective in tasks where answers require specific knowledge or details beyond what is contained in the training data of the language model itself. This makes them invaluable for applications like sophisticated chatbots, question-answering systems, and advanced information retrieval tools.

The development of LingAge was inspired by the growing need for more sophisticated tools in language AI that can understand and process complex linguistic structures and relationships. LingAge utilizes the concept of edge directionality to enhance the way linguistic data is interpreted and processed. By acknowledging the directional nature of linguistic relationships (such as syntactic and semantic connections in language), LingAge can provide more accurate and contextually relevant results in tasks like language understanding and generation.

Subscribers to “Directed Attention” can expect to gain unique insights into the latest advancements and trends in the field of AI, particularly in linguistic intelligence and graph neural networks. This includes deep dives into emerging technologies, analysis of new research findings, and expert opinions on the future directions of AI and language processing. The newsletter aims to provide a blend of technical knowledge and practical applications, making complex AI concepts accessible and relevant to a broader audience.


“Directed Attention” aims to contribute to the understanding of Linguistic Intelligence by curating and presenting content that bridges the gap between cutting-edge AI research and its practical implications in language processing. Through expert analysis, case studies, and thought-provoking discussions, the newsletter seeks to enhance readers’ comprehension of how AI is transforming the way we understand and interact with language, both in computational terms and in everyday applications.

Readers can anticipate a wide range of topics covering the intersection of AI and linguistics, including advancements in natural language processing, breakthroughs in machine learning models for language, applications of AI in language education and translation, and the ethical implications of AI in communication. The newsletter will also likely explore the ongoing development of large language models, AI’s role in understanding human language complexities, and the future potential of AI-assisted linguistic research and applications.

The groundbreaking research by Rossi et al. (2023), further explored by Michael Bronstein in “Direction Improves Graph Learning,” marks a pivotal moment in the evolution of Graph Neural Networks. This study is not just an academic milestone; it heralds new possibilities for real-world applications, particularly in enhancing the capabilities of Language AI.

I am in the process of developing LingAge, a novel platform that also embraces the concept of deep learning on directed graphs. While distinct from the Dir-GNN model, LingAge is aligned with the fundamental principle of utilizing edge directionality.

As we stand at this juncture of technological advancement, I extend an invitation to join “Directed Attention,” our Substack list. For those with a keen interest in the forefront of AI innovation, subscribing to “Directed Attention” means staying connected to a stream of cutting-edge knowledge and developments.

More than a mere newsletter, “Directed Attention” serves as a portal to the fascinating world of Linguistic Intelligence, offering a rich trove of insights and the latest trends in this field.



Sasson Margaliot
Cognitive Computing and Linguistic Intelligence

Innovator, Tech Enthusiast, and Strategic Thinker. exploring new frontiers, pushing boundaries, and fostering positive impact through innovation.