A Roadmap to Artificial Linguistic Intelligence (ALI) — an Introduction

A contemporary take on its defining features and principles

Photo by Daniele Levis Pelusi on Unsplash

1. The Principle of Full Disclosure

In 2019 article, several defining principles of Artificial Linguistic Intelligence were introduced, including the “Principle of Full Disclosure” which mandates that for each sentence or phrase processed in a dialogue, the AI system should be able to generate (and record) its full Logical Form. This logical representation should be documented and accessible, although not necessarily displayed to the end-user. Here, the yardstick for success isn’t merely that the AI system arrives at the “correct” answer but that it fully understands the context and semantics of the interaction.

The Evolution of Feasibility: From 2019 to 2023

As of 2019, implementing the Principle of Full Disclosure in AI systems might have seemed ambitious, if not a technological stretch. Traditional machine learning models, particularly those in the earlier days of Natural Language Processing, operated in ways that were difficult to interpret or decipher. Extracting a Logical Form from these models would have been an onerous task without a clearly defined path for execution.

Fast forward to 2023, and the landscape appears markedly different. With advancements in machine learning interpretability, neural architecture, and transformer models, it’s becoming increasingly possible to move closer to the ideal of Full Disclosure. There’s a growing sentiment that not only can the AI system generate a response, but it can also produce a form of ‘metadata’ that exposes the logical steps it took to arrive at that response. Such capabilities make it far more feasible to adhere to this principle from a technological standpoint, given the right set of prompts and conditions.

Prompt-Driven Possibilities and Limitations

The key to unlocking this technological capability may lie in the art of crafting the “right prompts,” as the commenter astutely pointed out. Prompts that are designed to elicit more transparent responses could be instrumental in the generation of logical forms or explanations. However, it’s worth noting that even the most advanced AI systems, like GPT-4, are not yet fully transparent. They can make strides in explaining their reasoning up to a point but are not universally capable of detailing every internal operation or decision-making process.

In summary, while it’s more technologically feasible than ever to adhere to the Principle of Full Disclosure, achieving total transparency still presents a host of challenges, both computational and theoretical. Nevertheless, the rapid evolution of AI technology brings us closer to the day when full logical disclosure may become a standard feature, rather than an aspirational goal.

2. Multi-Agent Setting

The second foundational tenet of ALI is rooted in the inherent nature of conversational agents: they exist within a multi-agent ecosystem. According to this principle, each conversational agent should maintain a “dossier” on each of its dialogic counterparts. The multi-agent setting is vital for recognizing the core function of natural language as a tool for coordinating complex interactions and relationships.

Technological Progress: How Far We’ve Come Since 2019

If one were to assess the technological landscape back in 2019, the idea of AI systems maintaining dossiers on each of their conversational partners would seem like a distant reality. However, the intervening years have shown significant leaps in the capabilities of language models, especially Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-4. These models are designed to understand context far more deeply than their predecessors, keeping tabs on the “knowledge state” of different participants in a conversation.

The Illusion of Multi-Agent Communication in Contemporary LLMs

While it’s true that state-of-the-art LLMs have advanced considerably, it’s crucial to clarify a few nuances. For instance, these models do not actually engage in direct communication with other AI agents. They operate in isolation but can simulate an understanding of multiple perspectives within a given discourse. They can attribute “motives,” “knowledge,” and other human-like qualities to the participants in a conversation, thereby mimicking the behavior expected in a multi-agent environment.

Simulated Understanding vs. Actual Coordination

However, this shouldn’t be confused with genuine multi-agent interaction. True coordination requires real-time updates and a back-and-forth that current LLMs are not designed to execute. Maintaining a comprehensive “dossier” in a dynamic, real-world setting would require capabilities beyond contextual understanding; it would necessitate a form of “memory” and real-time adaptability, areas where AI has room for growth.

In summary, the technological capacity to simulate multi-agent settings may exist in a rudimentary form today, but it’s a far cry from the fully dynamic, real-time, multi-agent ecosystems envisioned by the principle. Nevertheless, the advancements in contextual understanding bring us closer to a world where AI not only interprets language but also uses it as a nuanced tool for coordination among multiple agents. As it stands, the principle remains partially feasible, serving as a direction for future innovations rather than a current reality.

3. Presupposition Calculus

The third cornerstone in the architecture of ALI is employing a “Presupposition Calculus.” According to this principle, the Logical Form generated for each processed sentence should include not just its literal meaning or denotation, but also the relevant presuppositions that are woven into the semantic interpretation of that sentence. Moreover, this system must be dynamic enough to adjust these presuppositions should a contradiction arise in the ongoing dialogue.

The State of Presupposition Handling in 2023

When it comes to managing presuppositions, recent advancements in machine learning models, particularly GPT-4, show significant promise. These models can often intuitively identify and adapt to the context in which certain phrases or terms are used. If, for instance, one were to mention the name of a well-known public figure, these models often “presuppose” a context based on their data training and generate responses that align with that assumption. They are also capable of “standing corrected,” which mirrors the principle’s requirement for presupposition accommodation.

Dynamic Context and Presupposition Accommodation

The ability to adjust or ‘accommodate’ presuppositions marks an essential advancement from earlier models. If GPT-4 generates a response based on an incorrect presupposition and receives corrective input, it has the capacity to adapt its responses, albeit within the limitations of the conversational session. This suggests that the concept of dynamic presupposition adjustment is not entirely beyond the current technological scope, thus bringing us closer to fulfilling this third principle of Artificial Linguistic Intelligence.

Room for Refinement: Limitations and Future Directions

While this is encouraging, it’s essential to delineate the limitations. These AI models don’t fully understand presuppositions in the way a human does, nor do they possess the ability to systematically identify and adjust these presuppositions across longer or more complex conversational contexts. The static nature of the model’s training data also means that it may not be up-to-date with the most current societal understanding of certain terms or individuals, potentially leading to outdated or incorrect presuppositions.

In summary, the principle of employing Presupposition Calculus in Artificial Linguistic Intelligence may not be fully realized, but we have undoubtedly made strides in that direction. Existing technology can handle presuppositions to a certain extent and adapt based on the flow of conversation. This partial fulfillment of the principle serves as a testament to the rapid advancements in AI technology and offers a tantalizing glimpse into the future possibilities for fully transparent, dynamic, and semantically rich AI systems.

4. Elementary Logic and Set Theory

The fourth pillar of Artificial Linguistic Intelligence mandates that conversational agents be well-versed in Second Order Predicate Calculus and elementary set theory, in addition to their specialized fields of expertise. This principle emphasizes the intrinsic need for logical reasoning capabilities in any conversational agent, asserting that a basic understanding of elementary logic is non-negotiable for effective language use and understanding.

Symbolic Reasoning Meets Machine Learning: A 2023 Update

The idea of integrating symbolic reasoning with machine learning has been an area of discussion in academic and research circles, even back in 2019. However, since then, we have seen strides in what is known as “neuro-symbolic” approaches, which attempt to marry neural network-based machine learning with symbolic logic. While still an area of active research, the latest models are increasingly demonstrating capabilities that resonate with the requirements of Second Order Predicate Calculus and elementary set theory.

The Current State of Logical Reasoning in AI

Cutting-edge models like GPT-4 do show a form of logical reasoning when responding to queries or engaging in dialogue. They can follow logical constructs and sometimes even execute tasks that resemble predicate calculus and set theory operations, such as classification, association, and logical deduction. However, it’s worth noting that these capabilities are often more heuristic than systematic. The model may appear to understand logic, but this understanding is often surface-level, stemming from pattern recognition rather than a genuine grasp of logical principles.

The Gap Between Appearance and Reality

While AI systems today may give the impression of understanding elementary logic and set theory, they do so within the confines of pre-trained patterns and not through an inherent understanding of these concepts. These models don’t “understand” logic in the way humans do; rather, they mimic logical reasoning based on the statistical patterns they’ve learned during training.

Concluding Thoughts

In essence, while we’ve come a long way in enhancing the logical reasoning capabilities of conversational agents, we’re not yet at a point where they fully meet the rigorous standards set forth by the fourth principle of Transparent AI. The technology is advanced enough to give a convincing illusion of logical reasoning but still lacks the systematic, deep-rooted understanding that the principle demands. However, the convergence of neural networks and symbolic reasoning in ongoing research offers a promising avenue for fulfilling this principle more robustly in the future.

5. Dialog Memory

The fifth guiding principle of Artificial Linguistic Intelligence centers around “Dialog Memory,” which stipulates that any text from an ongoing conversation must be immediately integrated into the system’s ontology of referable items. This allows for a richer, more nuanced dialogue where previous statements and context can be called upon to inform future exchanges.

The Technological Reality: Short-Term Memory and Beyond

In 2023, the notion of “Dialog Memory” within a single conversation session is no longer a stretch for the imagination. State-of-the-art conversational models like GPT-4 are capable of maintaining context over a series of exchanges, allowing for a dialogue that feels increasingly coherent and meaningful. This ‘session-based’ memory enables the AI to reference past statements, questions, or details that have been shared earlier in the conversation, aligning closely with the principle of Dialog Memory.

The Challenge of Long-Term Memory

However, the situation becomes less straightforward when considering longer-term memory — across multiple sessions, days, or even longer timespans. Presently, retaining such long-term memory poses a number of technical and ethical challenges, including data storage and privacy concerns. While the technological capability for long-term memory may theoretically exist, implementing it in a responsible manner presents its own set of hurdles.

Privacy and Ethical Implications

The implementation of long-term dialog memory leads to a minefield of ethical and privacy issues. Consent, data security, and the right to be forgotten are all factors that need to be meticulously considered. Thus, while the technology for long-term memory may be within our grasp, navigating these ethical considerations remains a formidable challenge that goes beyond mere technical feasibility.

Conclusion: Feasibility vs. Responsibility

In summary, while the fifth principle of Artificial Linguistic Intelligence related to Dialog Memory is technically feasible — at least in the context of short-term memory within a single conversation — the extension of this principle to longer-term memory is fraught with complexities that transcend technological barriers. Therefore, as of 2023, this principle can be said to be partially realized, with the caveat that further advancements should be pursued responsibly, keeping in mind the privacy and ethical implications involved.

6. Utilizing Modern Linguistic Models

The sixth principle of Artificial Linguistic Intelligence makes a strong case for the necessity of integrating contemporary, academically robust linguistic models. According to this directive, relying on outdated linguistic theories is unacceptable. Any ALI Agent must utilize a scientific linguistic parser capable of reporting syntax and semantics in modern, scholarly terms. Furthermore, this parser should be competent enough to handle linguistic phenomena like ellipsis and other kinds of gaps.

The Evolution of Linguistic Models: A Leap Forward Since 2019

Since 2019, there has been a tectonic shift in natural language processing technologies, buoyed by increasingly complex neural networks and sophisticated machine learning algorithms. Today’s leading models like GPT-4 are trained on vast and diverse datasets, incorporating contemporary linguistic theories implicitly through their training data and architecture. Consequently, they offer a high level of syntactic and semantic understanding that aligns well with modern linguistic standards.

The Question of Scientific Linguistic Parsers

While these models are powerful, the lack of an explicitly integrated scientific linguistic parser remains a point of contention. Most current models operate through probabilistic inference rather than rule-based parsing. Though they can often effectively interpret and generate natural language, their methods are not always transparent or easily mapped onto academic theories of linguistics. The absence of a dedicated, scientific linguistic parser makes full compliance with this principle a topic for further research and development.

Handling Ellipsis and Linguistic Gaps: The Current State

Modern conversational agents have improved significantly in understanding and filling in linguistic gaps such as ellipses. While it may not match the complexity of a scientific linguistic parser explicitly designed for this task, the ability of these models to intuitively “understand” and respond to incomplete or elliptical sentences is laudable and increasingly effective.

Conclusion: Progress, with Room for Fine-Tuning

As of 2023, we find ourselves in a fascinating intersection where technological capabilities have made significant strides toward realizing the vision laid out by the sixth principle of Transparent AI. However, the journey towards full compliance, particularly in incorporating scientific linguistic parsers and achieving absolute transparency in linguistic reasoning, still has a way to go. While the technology seems to be moving in the right direction, adhering to this principle in its entirety remains an aspirational goal, fueling ongoing efforts in the world of AI and linguistics.

7. Quantifiers and Bound Variables

The seventh tenet of Artificial Linguistic Intelligence underlines the importance of incorporating bound variables within the Logical Form to support quantifiers, a crucial element in the semantics of natural language. In the linguistic realm, quantifiers such as ‘some,’ ‘all,’ and ‘none’ serve as vital tools for the expression of quantity and scope, making their computational representation indispensable for truly understanding language.

Quantifiers in Current Language Models: A Mixed Bag

While it’s true that leading-edge models like GPT-4 have become adept at handling certain types of quantifiers within natural language contexts, the capability is far from complete. These models are designed to work with probabilistic methods and neural architectures that do not explicitly represent the logical structures underpinning language, like bound variables and quantifiers. Their operation is based on statistical pattern recognition and not on formal logic, making their grasp of quantifiers only approximate in nature.

The Complex Task of Representing Bound Variables

The representation of bound variables in Logical Form is a complex task that has been the subject of extensive academic research. While certain rule-based and hybrid systems have experimented with incorporating formal logic into their frameworks, the capability to universally and reliably handle bound variables and quantifiers in a way that adheres to this principle remains a challenge. Most state-of-the-art models, including GPT-4, lack a formal mechanism for systematically dealing with these constructs, making their handling of quantifiers more heuristic than explicitly rule-based.

Progress and Limitations

Current models exhibit an impressive ability to generate responses that seem to indicate an understanding of quantifiers and can even engage in reasoning tasks that involve these linguistic constructs. However, a closer inspection often reveals that the models are taking shortcuts based on pattern recognition, rather than genuinely understanding and processing bound variables and quantifiers in a logically rigorous manner.

In sum, as of 2023, the technology has shown remarkable progress in dealing with natural language semantics, including the use of quantifiers. However, the specific requirement of the seventh principle of Artificial Linguistic Intelligence concerning the formal representation of bound variables and support for quantifiers remains an aspirational goal. It stands as a challenge that researchers and engineers in the AI and linguistics communities continue to grapple with, as the quest for achieving full linguistic understanding in AI systems endures.

8. Meta-Learning

The eighth principle of Artificial Linguistic Intelligence brings into focus the concept of “meta-learning,” emphasizing that AI systems should be capable of discussing their own internal parameters — like rates, weights, biases, and activations — to answer queries about their decision-making process. This level of transparency goes beyond just providing accurate or contextually relevant answers, aiming for a conversational agent that can introspect and articulate its own mechanisms of inference.

Unpacking the Black Box: Where We Are in 2023

AI models like GPT-4 are sophisticated machines that can generate impressively coherent and contextually relevant text based on complex statistical algorithms. However, these models are often likened to ‘black boxes,’ whose internal workings are not readily interpretable, even by experts. In the realm of meta-learning and explainability, current technology generally falls short of the aspirations set out in the eighth principle.

The Problem of Self-Explanatory AI

While it’s technically possible to analyze a neural network’s parameters post-hoc to understand its decision-making, this process is far from straightforward and is usually conducted by experts in data science and machine learning. The idea that a conversational AI could spontaneously explain its internal parameters to an end-user in an understandable way is, as of 2023, still largely aspirational. Simply put, AI models like GPT-4 can’t easily “explain” how they arrived at a specific conclusion in the manner this principle envisions.

Meta-Learning Research: A Path Forward?

That said, research in the field of explainable AI has been growing, with various techniques being explored to make AI decision-making more transparent. These include feature importance mapping, saliency maps, and various types of model-agnostic explanations. While these techniques are promising, their integration into a conversational agent in a user-friendly way has not yet been widely realized.

The eighth principle of ALI raises a compelling vision of AI systems that not only compute but also explain their computations in a manner that can be scrutinized and understood. As of 2023, this vision remains largely unrealized, though not for lack of trying. The challenge of making AI transparent and self-explanatory remains a focus of ongoing research, and the integration of meta-learning and explainability into AI systems stands as a complex but worthy goal for the coming years.

9. Terraforming

The ninth principle of Artificial Linguistic Intelligence introduces an intriguing concept dubbed “terraforming,” which posits that a linguistic agent should be thought of as a robot traversing, interacting with, and contributing to a Universal Knowledge Graph. This Knowledge Graph differs from conventional Semantic Graphs in a crucial aspect — it is designed to house its elements in vector form, making them readily available to be incorporated into the agent’s state vector.

From Static Knowledge Bases to Dynamic Graphs

The idea of a Universal Knowledge Graph has evolved substantially, propelled by advances in graph-based machine learning and the growing adoption of dynamic knowledge graphs in various applications. However, turning this notion into reality requires a robust architecture that can not only represent knowledge in vector form but also dynamically interact with conversational agents.

Current State of Vectorization

Advances in embedding techniques, such as Word2Vec, BERT embeddings, and more recent developments, have made it possible to represent semantic elements in vector form. These vectors capture a snapshot of the element’s relationships and attributes, but the transformation from a static representation to a dynamic, interactive state within a Universal Knowledge Graph is a challenge that researchers are still grappling with.

Integration with Agents: The Missing Link

While the concept of maintaining a state vector for conversational agents is not new, integrating this in real-time with a dynamic Universal Knowledge Graph remains largely unimplemented. Such an integration would require the AI agent to not merely interact with the graph but also to contribute to its ongoing construction and refinement — a tall order given the current state of technology.

Ethical and Technical Considerations

Beyond the technical hurdles, ethical concerns also emerge. Who gets to contribute to or modify this Universal Knowledge Graph? How are biases handled, and who ensures the integrity of the information? The ‘terraforming’ principle thus opens up a Pandora’s box of ethical considerations that add another layer of complexity to its implementation.

Conclusion: An Aspirational Vision

The ninth principle of Artificial Linguistic Intelligence serves as both a technical and philosophical challenge. The goal of an AI that dynamically interacts with a Universal Knowledge Graph — improving both its own understanding and the collective knowledge base — is as exciting as it is daunting. As of 2023, the vision laid out in this principle remains largely aspirational, indicating the magnitude of the technical and ethical challenges that lie ahead. Nonetheless, it stands as a compelling roadmap for the future, inspiring continued efforts to bridge the gap between AI and truly interactive, dynamic knowledge structures.

10. Language as Language

The tenth and final principle of Artificial Linguistic Intelligence urges us to consider the use of language for its intrinsic value as a mode of dialog and communication, as opposed to merely employing it for auxiliary tasks such as translation, text summarization, or sentiment analysis. This principle challenges us to aim for AI systems that can engage in genuine dialogue, reflecting the nuanced, dynamic nature of human communication.

The Auxiliary Task Dilemma: From Benchmarks to True Communication

Traditionally, success in AI language models has often been measured by performance on specific benchmarks that focus on a range of auxiliary tasks. While these benchmarks provide valuable insights into a model’s capabilities, they do not necessarily translate to the model’s effectiveness in using language for ongoing, meaningful dialogue. As of 2023, although models like GPT-4 are adept at generating human-like text, they do not fully achieve the kind of interactive and responsive dialogue envisioned in this tenth principle.

Beyond Imitation: The Complexity of Genuine Dialogue

Authentic dialogue involves more than just syntax and semantics; it demands an understanding of context, nuance, emotion, and intent. Current models, built primarily on pattern recognition and statistical learning, may generate text that mimics human-like dialogue but often falls short when it comes to understanding and responding to the complexity of natural human communication. They are, in essence, still tools that “use language” rather than conversational partners that “engage in language.”

The Limitations of Today’s Technology

As it stands, today’s language models have no awareness or understanding of an ongoing dialogue in the way humans do. They lack the ability to formulate goals, exhibit empathy, or understand the subtleties and cultural nuances that are intrinsic to human interaction. While they can simulate conversation, the interaction is often devoid of the deeper levels of comprehension and engagement that this principle calls for.

Conclusion: A Milestone Yet to Be Reached

The tenth principle of Artificial Linguistic Intelligence serves as a potent reminder of the ultimate aim of conversational AI: to use language not just as a task-solving tool but as a medium for meaningful, ongoing dialogue. While current technology has made significant strides in generating text that appears increasingly human-like, it still falls short of this loftier goal. The aspiration set forth by this principle remains a milestone on the horizon — a goal that continues to guide advancements in the field as we strive for AI systems capable of genuine, enriching dialogue.


The 2019 article on the “10 Defining Principles of Transparent AI” stands as a fascinating case study in the power of forward-thinking and the unpredictable pace of technological advancement. In hindsight, the article appears prescient, capturing essential components of the technological landscape four years into the future. While this observation raises intriguing questions about how did I so accurately foretold subsequent developments, it also underscores the foundational importance of the principles laid out.

What once seemed aspirational quickly becomes the realm of the possible, reminding us that in a field as vibrant as AI, the horizon of the future is closer than it may appear.

The Value of Visionary Thought

The 2019 article’s uncanny accuracy about the state of technology in 2023 testifies to the value of visionary thinking in setting the stage for future innovation. While not every prediction or set of principles will come to pass, those that do serve as a testament to human ingenuity and the transformative potential of technology.

Despite its minimal impact in terms of reach, the article’s principles showcase a deep understanding of the technological trends and complexities of AI. Its lack of widespread influence makes its prescience all the more remarkable, underscoring that impactful insights can sometimes come from unexpected quarters.

In closing, the alignment of the 2019 article’s principles with the state of technology in 2023 is a testament to the enduring power of keen observation and forward-thinking in a field as dynamic as AI.

While the article may not have been influential in the conventional sense, its foresight has proven to be its most remarkable quality, reminding us all of the potential for a single perspective to accurately capture a snapshot of the future, even if it takes the world some time to catch up.



Sasson Margaliot
Cognitive Computing and Linguistic Intelligence

Innovator, Tech Enthusiast, and Strategic Thinker. exploring new frontiers, pushing boundaries, and fostering positive impact through innovation.