How much does it cost to make an iOS or Android app?

Amit Ashwini
Published in
2 min readNov 15, 2015
How much does it cost to make an iOS or Android app?

In almost all cases, the process of developing a mobile app is not a one-time shot where you develop a product and you are done. It is a process where you get a quality product out in the market, test assumptions and then iterate and add new features. While it is important to look at the cost of the initial phase of development, it is more important to think about the cost of an app in terms of the cost over the first year and second year.

Developing a great mobile app requires learning. The end product NEVER ends up exactly as envisioned — the key to successful development is to make sure that you get from concept to minimum product in the hands of users as quickly and cost-effectively as possible. There is normally a cost to get the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and then the cost to take the product to the next level.

The long-term scope of the mobile project determines the amount of infrastructure and “piping” required for the app. While it is possible to initially build a single-family home and turn that into a 40-story skyscraper, it involves tearing down most of the initial work, digging a much larger foundation and in many ways starting over. Building a mobile app is similar. You need to determine the long-term goals of the project before you start.

Items such as number of backend system integrations, disconnected functionality, security, concurrent users, required response time, amount of data stored, etc., all play a role in the foundation and scalability of your mobile app. If you do not think through these issues in the beginning, it could be much more expensive to add at a later date.

There are numerous factors that go into building a mobile app. On the low-cost side, a very basic mobile product for one platform could cost between $20k and $35k to get an initial version of the product to market. A more robust app could cost between $50k-$75k for an initial version.

An enterprise level app with more integration could cost between $50k to $500k depending upon the scale and scope of the app and required integration.

The only way to really determine what an app would cost is to contact us and discuss your specific goals.



Amit Ashwini

Product Marketing Strategist with 13+ yrs of experience. Expert in user acquisition, brand rejuvenation & designing data-driven strategies.