Why should your startup use Ruby on Rails

Amit Ashwini
Published in
2 min readNov 19, 2015
Why should your startup use Ruby on Rails

Rails is a great choice to build products for startups. Most web services these days are not just stand-alone websites, they also interact with the external world too. An example could be your business’s own mobile app that pulls its data from your website, or maybe it’s another website pushing content to your website the same way Twitter and Facebook do.

Rails, as a framework, is inherently RESTful and makes building a REST API surprisingly painless.

What this means for your business is that, in the very likely possibility that one day your service will grow and have to interact with the outside world, doing so in Rails will make that process far cheaper and faster.

Apart from the obvious benefit of saving your developer the time it would take to implement security features themselves, implementing security at the framework level helps ensure that security measures are not overlooked — which is particularly likely if your developer is less experienced with web security.

An attribute of Ruby on Rails development is that it gives you a hint of a company’s work style and culture. A rails developer needs to be stay updated with the web and new technology. It is the nature of the framework to change and evolve rapidly and a RoR developer must keep up with the pace. Facing continues change and development suits with the very essence of a startup.

All rails have a common structure and when a startup hires an experienced developer, she immediately knows where to find what. Initializers, configs, modules-everything will be at her fingertips immediately. This is very much consistent with the lean structure of a startup. It can hire a developer and she can start coding right away.

Ruby on Rails is a logical choice from budget perspective as well. It is an open source platform that is free by definition. It has lots of free plugins (gems) that adds great benefits to this framework.



Amit Ashwini

Product Marketing Strategist with 13+ yrs of experience. Expert in user acquisition, brand rejuvenation & designing data-driven strategies.