Day 1: Team Building and Logo Design

Mariya Kopynets
COGS 187A Summer 2016
3 min readAug 7, 2016
One hot summer day in 2016, six strangers walked into a room hidden in the basement of one of the more confusing buildings on campus. Before long, introductions were made. I'm Chris Tetreault, author of today's post, and the five others are John Wishon, Saveen Chadalawada, Mariya Kopynets, Eric Kingsly, and Emily Small. Introductions were made, and before long we were off running. Our first task: design a logo and come up with a team name.
Team Beep
We talked amongst ourselves about our backgrounds, strengths, and our weaknesses. We discussed concepts for our website. Saveen had an idea in mind: an app to help students find parking on campus. Having all struggled with this very problem, it seemed reasonable and we went with it. With a the concept set, name concepts took an automotive theme. A suggestion that we name ourselves "Just Whatever" was quickly shot down by Professor Boyle.During the talk, Eric suggested that the action a user performs on our site be called a "beep." When a person leaves a spot, they "beep" to announce the availability. Shortly thereafter, I suggested that this might be our identity. The name of our team and app would be "Beep." Performing an action in the app would be "beeping" and receiving a notification in app would be getting "beeped." It was short and catchy, and it sounded good to the group.

Our next task was to brainstorm logo ideas. We were each tasked with independently producing 3 rough concepts, and by the second day of class we had them. Next we had to narrow it down to three finalists.
Discussing Logo Concepts
We voted on which logos we liked, each member selecting three favorites. The three logos with the most votes were selected as finalists.
The Finalists
Next, we prepared to present our selections to the class. While doing this, we began to discuss which logo we would select as our final logo. We once again put it to a vote, and came out with a three way tie. Having accomplished nothing, we began to discuss why we picked the logo we did. After deliberating, I eventually decided to change my vote from my own finalist to Mariya's logo, and the winner was decided.
The Winner Logo. Designer Mariya Kopynets
After deciding on Mariya's logo, we discussed what we liked and didn't like about it. There was some concern that the P was red and not blue. This is OK though, the logos are currently just concepts. Each member of the group has been tasked with individually polishing the final logo concept, and this will be delivered by Monday.

