Idea to Start Your Day: Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD)

Learn how these software processes can guide you to leverage small, continuous changes into big improvements

Eze Onukwube
Mental Gearwheels
Published in
5 min readSep 25, 2020


Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) are processes designed to slay the hydra-headed monster that is software development.

Whenever you land on an application as benign-looking as Google’s home page, beneath its veneer of blandness is a roiling ecosystem of interconnected organisms, each spawning their own subsystems fuelled by an insatiable appetite for code and data capable of drowning an ocean liner.

Therefore, the core function of software engineering is to reduce complexity, and the duo processes of CI and CD help accomplish this.

There are several parallels and universal lessons we can draw from these processes to help optimize our lives, based on the following premise:

  • Life, like software development, is messy and complex, with every decision fraught with the peril of unseen second, even third-order effects down the road.
  • Life is about overcoming crap by finding optimal solutions to never-ending problems; likewise, software applications are created to solve problems to enhance…



Eze Onukwube
Mental Gearwheels

Eze is a writer, software engineer and life enthusiast. Follow me on Twitter: @EzeOnukwube