Dawn of my Learning Journey

Sushree Soumya Mishra
Published in
2 min readDec 21, 2020

A little story before I start on the technical part…

credit: getorganizedwizard.com

Why am I writing this?

In the Covid era, I have no one to talk with, no one for a tech talk over tea and absolutely no one with whom I can share my crazy application ideas. Also, no one to listen to my learning plans. I miss going to office…It’s been a long time!

I am bored of being bored. I am bored of talking to myself. Now I wanna write for myself which I can later read to myself… Sounds crazy? Trust me, it’s not!

It actually works! I feel extremely happy and proud when I look at my old tech article.

So, my plan is to document my learnings (what, why, how, etc.) which would give me immense happiness after 5–10 years. When I’ll look at this post and the upcoming ones, I’ll enjoy re-reading them to myself. Well, it’s like tech-talks with myself! And of course, to stay away from boredom.

Why I came up with such a crazy plan?

Long long back, I had worked on struts and JDBC. I had become a pro in that. Then for around 2 years, my projects didn’t have any frameworks/DBs. Hence, I was residing in dark (the twilight, actually). All of a sudden, I realized the need of learning Spring/Springboot along with Hibernate and JPA. I was clueless… Easy thing first! So, I started learning Springboot and then went ahead with Hibernate. Eventually, I had my hands dirty with webservices and a lot more.

Within a week, I had learnt enough.

How did I do it? Mr. Google, of course!!

I had learnt enough to work on a project that used Springboot, Hibernate and JPA. Till date, that knowledge was just enough! I was able to work comfortably on my project tasks.

But… Honestly, it wasn’t really enough… I was a master of none!

That’s when a I dreamt of doing something constructive.

And my learning journey started…

In my upcoming posts, I would be sharing the idea of my application and the technologies that I would use. For each step, I would explain what, why and how I have done it.

To teach is to learn twice — Joseph Joubert

