How Java solved my personal problem

Sushree Soumya Mishra
Published in
2 min readDec 25, 2020
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Have you ever faced my problem? Like me, have you thought of sending personalized party invitations (with a huge guest list)?

While sending out the party invitations to a large number of people, it is not really feasible to send a personalized message to everyone. I don’t really want to send different messages to everyone but at least “Dear <Name>” at the beginning of the message would work like charm.

So, this exactly is the idea of my app! Let’s call it “Messaging Service”.

So, this messaging service would accept an invitation message, a list of guests, their e-mail ids and mob numbers. Then the guest names would be appended to the invitation message by another service and the final edited message would be sent out to the guests.

To start with, I will stick with email. Here’s the high level flow:

Here’s the PoC code for MES: click here

Well, this PoC has already solved my problem!! I can actually send personalized emails to my friends using this code. Hurrayy!!

Why do we have two services for this use case:

Because we can scale up!! Well, nooo, the reason is that we can learn microservice to microservice communication. Also, we can learn about some security concepts.

The next step would be to create MS and then call MES from MS. Well, this won’t be a simple rest call. The reason is that we will have multiple instances for MES.

Something like this:

I’ll come up with another article that would explain the code and concepts used.

