Let’s meet in Zürich/Zug!

Coin Governance System
Coin Governance System
1 min readApr 24, 2018

This week our team will be in Zürich and Zug, Switzerland!

First, we will be attending the Blockshow by Cointelegraph event in Zürich on Tuesday, April 24th. Let us know if you are around, we would love to meet you!

After the Blockshow event, we will be going to Zug, where we will attend the Blockchain Summit organized by Crypto Valley.

The second edition of the Blockchain Summit by Crypto Valley focuses on the intersection of enterprise and startup approaches to building new things with distributed ledger technology. Among the speakers we can find Luis Cuende from Aragon, Maria Jones from Cointelegraph and Olga Feldmeier from Smartvalor.

If you would like to meet us, please let us know on Telegram: https://t.me/coingovernancesyste m or by sending a message to meet@cgs.vote.



Coin Governance System
Coin Governance System

The CGS is an on-chain ICO governance mechanism that aims to align the interests of ICO launchers and ICO investors. Read more about it on https://cgs.vote/