We won the Blockshow by Cointelegraph startup competition in Barcelona!

Coin Governance System
Coin Governance System
2 min readApr 16, 2018

Last week, Blockshow by Cointelegraph organized an event in Barcelona to bring together the blockchain community.

We have won the Startup Competition organized by this event! The public attending the event was the jury, so we are very thankful for everyone that voted for us.

Winning this pitch means that we will be going to Berlin to present the CGS in front of 3.000 people and have the opportunity to win €50.000! Among previous winners are Status and Bancor.

A part from the startup competition, our CMO Anne-Lous van den Ende gave a fireside chat with the CEO of Blockshow on ICO governance solutions, such as DAICO and CGS.

We want to thank everyone that participated in this event and are looking forward to the main event in Berlin! In the meantime, don’t miss out on our latest news: https://t.me/coingovernancesystem.

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Telegram: https://t.me/coingovernancesystem
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White paper: https://goo.gl/y9gQ2W
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Coin Governance System
Coin Governance System

The CGS is an on-chain ICO governance mechanism that aims to align the interests of ICO launchers and ICO investors. Read more about it on https://cgs.vote/