#WeeklyUpdate: CGS Beerdrop; New ICO Experts; León, Gibraltar, Madrid

Coin Governance System
Coin Governance System
3 min readJun 29, 2018

CGS on tour: #CGSbeerdrop!

This last week of June we have been on the road again: last Saturday and Sunday we were in Leon for NONCentralCONF, where we gave a presentation on ICO governance and a did demo of the Coin Governance System. PD: we did a CGS Beerdrop at The SanJuantoshi Night, which was an absolute success!

Stop 2: TokenMarket Summit

On Thursday and Friday we have been in Gibraltar, for the TokenMarket Summit 2018. Among the speakers: William Mougayar, Jon Matonis, Olga Feldmeier and David Drake. Hot topic during this edition of the summit was ICO regulation and on how Gibraltar wants to position themselves regarding this to attract more ICO businesses to their jurisdiction. As expected, ICO regulation and security tokens in the USA was also topic of debate.

Last but not least: CriptoMad

Tomorrow (30/06) we will be at CriptoMad in Madrid, where Adrián Calvo, our CTO, will give a presentation at 17:30 on the current state of ICO Governance.

ICO Experts in the spotlight

We’ve upgraded our ICO Expert page! Over 198 ICO Experts have already joined our movement, you can meet 65 Experts of them here!

Meet some of our newest ICO Experts!

Some of the new members that have joined our community this week are:

Richard Kastelein

One of our newest members is Richard Kastelein, a well-known ICO advisor, with a high rank on ICObench and experience as an ICO advisor in projects such as Bancor, Chronobank and Wings. He’s also in the advisory board of the U.S. Blockchain Association. More about Richard here!

Erik Völlstadt

Erik Völlstadt, who is Bitnation’s Lead Ambassador and Community Director, has joined our Community this week too. Meet him here!

Gabor Kiss

Another member we would like to give a warm welcome is Gabor Kiss, co-founder & COO of BitTraffic Ltd., one of the leading PR & Marketing, ICO advisory firms. He has been involved in many ICOs, such as Unibright, Fantom and Tolar. Curious to know more about Gabor? Check out his profile!

Don’t be shy, say hi to them!

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Coin Governance System
Coin Governance System

The CGS is an on-chain ICO governance mechanism that aims to align the interests of ICO launchers and ICO investors. Read more about it on https://cgs.vote/