August 2022 Leaderboard Winners

Coin Hunt World
Published in
2 min readSep 3, 2022

UK hunters had their hopes dashed in the past but this time they had a hero emerge. Falcore started off red hot out of the gate. The run was planned and the only thing left to do was execute it. Khag turned a vacation trip into a podium push. He started in Hawaii to LA and back across the country hitting every yellow in sight. One moment he was out of the top 30 and the next he was in first. Falcore didn’t flinch at the Tiki Chief or RNG cubie prints, filled cranes, or a legion of yellows. He knew his plan would wind the day. Ben00000 wanted to make sure UK had two representatives in the top 5 and quietly marked third without a noticeable struggle. JHOLO took advantage of selling rare drops and filled a crane to become the first ever global top 5 hunter to represent the Philippines. Toasties popped up at the last minute as everyone was wondering who would win the struggle for the top. When the final minutes ticked away, Falcore soared above them all.

Congratulations Falcore, the Apex Predator of August!

Very honorable mentions go to the hunters next-up on the podium: Khag, Ben00000, Jholo, & Toasties.

Congratulations also to the Top 5 Hunters of each country as well!

USA: Khag, Toasties, Gladita, Zach, MakikiTiki!

Canada: Pretzelboy, DESPAIR, Simonator, Mebzy, ITGuy!

El Salvador: Teamtanager, Mylordsv, OsValkdo, Vandal, Hlopez!

Philippines: Jholo, HubbiHunt, Jjdeity, Katmiss, StoneHeart!

UK: Falcore, Ben00000, Ravens73, Szeldon, CoinDemon!

Malaysia: Rithalas, H0rr0r, Naiyuu, Yuenny, Curry!

Great Job ALL!

It’s a new month, where will you rank in September? Happy hunting!


