Cubie Air Part 2: Cancelled

Coin Hunt World
Published in
4 min readSep 27, 2022

Attention Hunters…

Since we launched Cubie Air Part 2 last week, we have uncovered several critical issues with how the event was playing out.

First, we have found that the Cubie Air Challenge was too easily exploitable. We detected substantial evidence of cheating, including the use of automation, to solve trivia questions. These exploits detract from the spirit of the game and trivialize the difficulty of the gauntlet. Unfortunately, the nature of the cheating prevented us from simply banning the cheaters and maintaining the integrity of the competition. As always, there will be consequences for players caught cheating, including lifetime bans. In fact, bans are already taking place in connection with Cubie Air exploits.

Second, disconnections have been frequent — a far larger percentage of players than expected have experienced disconnection problems — and as a result, we need to look into alternatives that will reduce these issues so that everyone can have an enjoyable and equitable experience.

Lastly, Cubie Air Part 2 simply did not work in the way we intended it to. We need more time to balance this game mode’s design so that it aligns more closely with our vision.

With this in mind, we have made the difficult decision to cancel Cubie Air Part 2, with the intention of fine-tuning and relaunching the gauntlet at a later date to better align with our design philosophy.

What’s Happening?

The following actions will happen in stages over the next few days, unless otherwise noted. Do not be alarmed if certain aspects of the process occur before others (i.e. cryptocurrency being reverted before refunds are issued). This is a very delicate process and we want to approach it systematically.

Boarding Pass Refunds

Players who received a Boarding Pass via the Cubie Air Part 1 quest chain can expect the following actions:

  • If the Boarding Pass was used, the Boarding Pass will return to the player’s inventory and all cryptocurrency obtained using the Boarding Pass will be reverted.
  • If the Boarding Pass was sold in the Auction House, the auction will be reverted, the Boarding Pass (and Green Key listing fee) will be returned to the seller, and all keys will be returned to the bidder.

Players who purchased a Boarding Pass from the Shop can expect the following actions:

  • If the Boarding Pass was used, the player will receive a refund of 1,000 Blue Keys and all cryptocurrency obtained using the Boarding Pass will be reverted.
  • If the Boarding Pass is still in the player’s inventory, they will lose it and receive a refund of 1,000 Blue Keys.

And just to reiterate, players who purchased a Boarding Pass from the Auction House and used it in the Cubie Air Part 2 event will have their cryptocurrency reverted and receive their keys back. All current Auction House sales of Boarding Passes will also be cancelled.

In countries with exports enabled, our routine Thursday cryptocurrency withdrawals are still slated to take place at this time.

Players who spent a large amount of Red or Purple Keys on Boarding Passes may reach out to support and ask that their refunds are in larger denominations instead of Blue Keys.

Note that the above scenarios apply to multiple Boarding Passes — for example, if a player purchased two Boarding Passes from the Shop and used both of them in the Cubie Air Challenge, they would receive a refund of 1,000 Blue Keys per pass and all cryptocurrency earned in each Cubie Air Challenge run would be reverted.

Wombat Cubie Blueprint Gifts

After all above actions have been taken, the following players will be eligible to receive a Wombat Cubie Blueprint as a gift (limit of 1 per player):

  • All players that received a Boarding Pass via the Cubie Air Part 1 quest chain.
  • All players that participated in the Cubie Air Challenge at least once, regardless of where their Boarding Pass came from.

Looking Ahead

  • The Cubie Air Challenge will soar again in Q1 2023, with re-designed mechanics and a fresh leaderboard.
  • The Ace Cubie Blueprint will be rewarded to the top gauntlet finisher at that time.

A Note From the Team

We know this is a disappointing turn of events, and we’ve enjoyed hearing about your experiences with the trivia gauntlet while it was online. The community’s excitement about, and engagement with the Cubie Air Challenge has helped motivate us to produce an even better version next time around.

We understand, too, if you are frustrated with this decision. We will take all your constructive feedback into account as we redesign Cubie Air.

We’ve always said that Coin Hunt World is an ever-evolving experiment, and as always, we appreciate you joining us on this remarkable journey, however bumpy it may be along the way.

- The Coin Hunt World Team

