Halloween Crafting Event!

Coin Hunt World
Published in
2 min readOct 20, 2020

Hello Vault Hunters!

Halloween is approaching so we think this is a perfect opportunity to testdrive our new event systems!

From Oct 25 to November 5th we will be running a variety of cool HALLOWEEN events and we need your help to test them out!

Off course we will be giving away lots and lots of cryptocurrencies as rewards during the events so make sure to participate and invite friends and families to the event!

We will be announcing multiple events over time so let’s kick things off with the first one:

Halloween crafting Challenge!

a Halloween resource box

During the Halloween event every vault you open has a 20% chance of dropping a Halloween Resource box. These contain unique blueprints and resources needed to craft our brand new Spooktacular Halloween avatars! Collect the required resources, head over to the nearest Printshops (often found around big malls) and craft your new avatar!

How to win!

1. Gather the blueprint & enough resources to craft one of the below Halloween avatars

2.Print your new avatar at a printshop, change your in-game avatar to the new one in settings

3. Take a screenshot of your avatar in the game leaderboards

4. Post the screenshot in the #community-events channel of our Discord server

5. The first post of each Halloween avatar wins!

>>The users who craft these new avatars first get a yellow prize box (containing about $12 worth of cryptos)

Help us test our crafting system and reap the rewards…

Happy Hunting!

